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Change module css outside theme

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Hi guys,


I am new to Presta, I use PrestaShop 1.5. As I understood, most things I want to customize is in themes folder where I can change my theme not changng base files, so I can update them with new Presta versions in the future.


The thing I can't understand - there are modules style files (e.g. blockuserinfo) that are not under themes folder. How do I do that right? I tried to create blockuserinfo folder with views folder inside under my theme's modules folder but it did not work. Could you explain what should I do to override styles for the standard modules?

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Check http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Overriding+default+behaviors#Overridingdefaultbehaviors-Overridingamodule'sbehavior


But you use same folder structure in theme as it is in modules. So for example blockuserinfo.css is in

modules/blockuserinfo/ and if you need to change some styles then path should be

themes/your_theme/css/modules/blockuserinfo/ and blockuserinfo.css should be there.

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