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[Solved] Change footer menus

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In this case you have to open /modules/blockcms/blockcms.tpl - or if exists: themes/yourtheme/modules/blockcms/blockcms.tpl


and then look for:


 {if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}<li class="first_item"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('prices-drop')}" title="{l s='Specials' mod='blockcms'}">{l s='Specials' mod='blockcms'}</a></li>{/if}
  <li class="{if $PS_CATALOG_MODE}first_{/if}item"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('new-products')}" title="{l s='New products' mod='blockcms'}">{l s='New products' mod='blockcms'}</a></li>
  {if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}<li class="item"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('best-sales')}" title="{l s='Best sellers' mod='blockcms'}">{l s='Best sellers' mod='blockcms'}</a></li>{/if}
  {if $display_stores_footer}<li class="item"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('stores')}" title="{l s='Our stores' mod='blockcms'}">{l s='Our stores' mod='blockcms'}</a></li>{/if}


remove it or change it, decision is yours ;)

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That should be the favoriteproducts module. If you can't change it from the BO. Go to modules/favoriteproducts and open the views\templates\hook folder, then edit my-account. You should be able to see your text there :)

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That should be the favoriteproducts module. If you can't change it from the BO. Go to modules/favoriteproducts and open the views\templates\hook folder, then edit my-account. You should be able to see your text there :)


Hi i change the words but dont work. Do you know why? Cheers

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Hi perfumeshunk thanks for reply, i change the 3 ´my favorite products.´ below and none of them change on frontend.



<li class="favoriteproducts">

<a href="{$link->getModuleLink('favoriteproducts', 'account')|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='My favorite products.' mod='favoriteproducts'}">

{if !$in_footer}<img {if isset($mobile_hook)}src="{$module_template_dir}img/favorites.png" class="ui-li-icon ui-li-thumb"{else}src="{$module_template_dir}img/favorites.png" class="icon"{/if} alt="{l s='My favorite products.' mod='favoriteproducts'}"/>{/if}

{l s='My favorite products.' mod='favoriteproducts'}



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thanks for sharing the solution, anyway, in future please create separate threads for each question.

In this case your questions are related to the main case so i don't split them




Topics with a unique subject


Some posters may have a tendency to create a single topic and to list in it all of their questions rather than flooding the forum with posts. However, unless your questions are very closely related, it is necessary to create one topic per question, and to post them in the appropriate sections (installation, use, etc.).

This will give you a greater chance of getting them all answered.



The posts containing heterogeneous demands may be deleted by the moderators.

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  • 9 months later...

Sorry to update this thread but seems to miss something.

I'm trying to add an extra link under My account in footer but doesn't work.


I've added the following code to blockmyaccountfooter.tpl:

<li class="favoriteproducts">
    <a href="{$link->getModuleLink('favoriteproducts', 'account')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='My favorite products.' mod='favoriteproducts'}">
        {if !$in_footer}<img {if isset($mobile_hook)}src="{$module_template_dir}img/favorites.png" class="ui-li-icon ui-li-thumb"{else}src="{$module_template_dir}img/favorites.png" class="icon"{/if} alt="{l s='My favorite products.' mod='favoriteproducts'}"/>{/if}
        {l s='My favorite products.' mod='favoriteproducts'}

but the link does not appear (cleared and disabled cache).


Any ideas?



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Thanks Vekia, just other thing about this, There are few links in blockCMS that i wan to remove like "promotions""top sellers""new products""our stores""Contact us" and "sitemap".


Where i could remove this. Cheers



Hi All, How do I remove the light grey block above this area (the 4 icons)

Edited by beaker9199 (see edit history)
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  • 5 years later...

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