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[solved] Where are translations stored? PS 1.4.10

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Hi Guys,

So I have currently dumped 1.5.4 & as they were just not ready for production and I have a deadline. So, installed PS 1.4.10 and I'm really happy with it. Tweaked most of the code and CSS but I'm still stuck with changing cart2 module (new template) to rename "Cart" to "Basket" and change the yellow button "Add to Cart" to "Add to basket".

In the back office I can't do translations for modules as I'm limited with 1000 fields and can't do nothing about this.

So, I was hoping I can find translations somewhere in the files but unfortunately I can't find it anywhere. Can you please point me in the right direction?

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Hi Peter, thanks for the response.


1.5 is definitely ready for production, and is already used on thousands of live stores. Maybe it was not the best option for you, but that is not to say that it is not ready.


Why don't you copy the store to a localhost and change the translations from there? Then you can transfer them over after you are done. That is a way to get around the max_input_vars limitation.

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5 Stars to VEKIA!!!

Many Thanks for that !






<!-- Block user information module HEADER -->

<div id="header_user">

<ul id="header_nav">


<li id="shopping_cart">

<a href="{$link->getPageLink("$order_process.php", true)}" title="{l s='Your Basket' mod='blockuserinfo'}">{l s='Basket:' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a>

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