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Prestashop theme which i bough did not include the slider :(

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Hello, i've bought theme at prestashop.com





We installed it, but it did not show up as on the demo....




We got this http://prntscr.com/110f9w

Instead of this :http://prntscr.com/110fdm



I hope someone can help me :)




Best regards Dániel :)

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First to say that theme is not developed by Prestashop, it say by Community but actually

it is probably from "themes-prestashop.com" which is not currenly available. Note that it

is not in any way connected with official Prestashop.com. You can try "Contact the developer"

link and also asking in addons section of forum.


But back to your problem, you could try to to uninstall that module and try some of free alternatives

like minic slider for 1.5 which is also uses Nivo slider script, and latest version of it I think.

Edited by razaro (see edit history)
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