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[SOLVED] How to disable / turn off / remove registration ?

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Without having to modify any code, the best way would probably be to disable a few modules in the back-office so the links don't appear.


Try disabling:


My Account Block,

My account block for your website's footer,

User info block


And if you haven't done so already, you can set the shop to catalog mode (disables the shopping cart function) by going to Preferences > Products and setting Catalog mode to yes.


Hope that helps!


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I tried everything in back-office...


Shop is in catalog mode, everything is ok, but registration still appears.


Edit: Have just disabled user info block and it helped! I can't believe I didn't do this before.


Big thanks! :)


p.s. how to add "solved"?

Edited by GreddyMR2 (see edit history)
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p.s. how to add "solved"?



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