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Custom Nav Bar

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Evening all


I am attempting to create a custom nav bar, now I have found a picture of something that I like however I cannot find a working version of it, so I cannot work out how I would go about creating it. the main part that I am wanting to incorporate is when you hover the white arrow shows, does anyone have any idea how to get this effect?




Kind Regards



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I'd use an :after pseudo selector. you have to create the small arrow first (a tiny png)


then do something like this on the list items


li {




and for the arrow


li.sfHover:after {

position: absolute;

content: '';

height: (height of the arrow);

width: (w of the arrow);

bottom: 0;

left: 50%;

margin-left: -(half of the width);


background transparent url(url to your arrow image) 0 0 no-repeat




That's what i recently did, and it worked for me :)

Edited by Nemo1 (see edit history)
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