sliver2k Posted April 15, 2013 Share Posted April 15, 2013 (edited) Hallo, ich habe eine laufende Prestashopinstallation die nun etwa 2h lang im Frontoffice nur ein Logo zeigt, im Backoffice ist alles ok. Gehe ich in die Produkte und klicke auf Vorschau sehe ich nur das Produkt aber kein Menue. Ich dachte erst irgend was ist mit dem Template aber auch bei einer alten Sicherung des Templates ist alles gleich. Kann mir bitte einer ein Tip geben? thx Edited April 15, 2013 by sliver2k (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guest* Posted April 15, 2013 Share Posted April 15, 2013 Etwas geändert am Code ? Dein Server erfüllt die Mindestkonfiguration um Prestashop betreiben zu können ? memory_lmit mindestens 128M ? Andere minimalen Server-Einstellungnen findest du hier: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sliver2k Posted April 15, 2013 Author Share Posted April 15, 2013 (edited) der Server reicht sicher aus und er lief auch monate lang gut ich habe heute nur etwas an den einstellungen im bereich der benutzer vorgenommen wenn ich auf live edit der module gehe sehe ich auch nur das logo Edited April 15, 2013 by sliver2k (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guest* Posted April 15, 2013 Share Posted April 15, 2013 Einstellungen rückgängig machen ?! Unter Benutzer meinst du was ? Mitarbeiter ? Die sollten keine Auswirkungen auf den Front-Office deines Shops haben, es sei denn der memory_limit ist viel zu klein. Wenn Dinge nicht mehr angezeigt werden, dann ist das zu 99% ein Problem des zu kleinen memory_limits am Server. Der wirkt sich auch nicht immer sofort aus, sondern erst wenn man Einstellungen im Back Office verändert. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sliver2k Posted April 15, 2013 Author Share Posted April 15, 2013 (edited) ich habe nur 3 benutzergruppen auf preise anzeigen umgestellt. gehostet habe ich bei 1u1 als dual unlimited Informationen auf Ihrem Server: Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Thu Feb 14 13:02:49 CET 2013 i686 GNU/Linux Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Thu Feb 14 13:02:49 CET 2013 i686 GNU/Linux Linux infong 2.4 #1 SMP Thu Feb 14 13:02:49 CET 2013 i686 GNU/Linux Version der Server-Software: Apache PHP-Version: 5.4.12 Speichergrenze: 90M max_execution_time: 50000 und hier mal der debug: Smarty Debug Console - Total Time 0.06606 included templates & config files (load time in seconds) /homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/index.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00019) (cache 0.00000) /homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/layout.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00184) (cache 0.00000) /homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/header.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00109) (cache 0.00000) /homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/footer.tpl (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00020) (cache 0.00000) assigned template variables $HOOK_FOOTER Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $HOOK_HEADER Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $HOOK_HOME Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $HOOK_RIGHT_COLUMN Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $HOOK_TOP Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $PS_ALLOW_MOBILE_DEVICE Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = false ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $PS_CATALOG_MODE Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = false ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $PS_SHOP_NAME Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "Niessen Online Shop" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $SCRIPT_NAME Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "/nshop/index.php" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Global" $add_prod_display Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = 0 ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $b2b_enable Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = true ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $base_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $base_dir_ssl Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $base_uri Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $cart Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = Cart Object (22) ->id = null ->id_shop_group = 1 ->id_shop = 1 ->id_address_delivery = 0 ->id_address_invoice = 0 ->id_currency = 2 ->id_customer = null ->id_guest = 0 ->id_lang = 2 ->recyclable = 1 ->gift = 0 ->gift_message = null ->date_add = null ->secure_key = null ->id_carrier = 0 ->date_upd = null ->checkedTos = false ->pictures = null ->textFields = null ->delivery_option = null ->allow_seperated_package = false ->id_shop_list = null ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $cart_qties Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = 0 ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $come_from Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $conditions Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "1" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $content_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $content_only Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = 0 ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $cookie Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = Cookie Object (0) ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $css_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $css_files Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = Array (1) => "all" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $currencies Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = Array (1) 0 => Array (12) id_currency => "2" name => "Euro" iso_code => "EUR" iso_code_num => "978" sign => "€" blank => "1" format => "5" decimals => "1" conversion_rate => "1.000000" deleted => "0" active => "1" id_shop => "1" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $currency Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = Currency Object (14) ->id = 2 ->name = "Euro" ->iso_code = "EUR" ->iso_code_num = "978" ->sign = "€" ->blank = "1" ->conversion_rate = "1.000000" ->deleted = "0" ->format = "5" ->decimals = "1" ->active = "1" ->prefix = "€ " ->suffix = "" ->id_shop_list = null ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $customerName Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = false ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $display_footer Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = true ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $display_header Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = true ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $display_tax_label Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = true ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $errors Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = Array (0) ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $favicon_url Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "/nshop/img/favicon.ico" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $hide_left_column Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = false ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $hide_right_column Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = false ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $id_cgv Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "3" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $id_currency_cookie Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = 2 ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_cat_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_col_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_lang_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_manu_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_prod_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_ps_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_ship_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_store_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_sup_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $img_update_time Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "1366011363" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $js_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $js_files Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = Array (1) 0 => "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $lang_iso Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "de" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $languages Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = Array (1) 0 => Array (10) id_lang => "2" name => "Deutsch (German)" active => "1" iso_code => "de" language_code => "de" date_format_lite => "d.m.Y" date_format_full => "d.m.Y H:i:s" is_rtl => "0" id_shop => "1" shops => Array (1) 1 => true ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $link Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = Link Object (2) ->protocol_link = "http://" ->protocol_content = "http://" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $logged Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = false ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $logo_image_height Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "52" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $logo_image_width Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "109" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $logo_url Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "/nshop/img/logo-1.jpg?1366011363" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $mail_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "/nshop/mails/" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $meta_description Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "Shop powered by PrestaShop" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $meta_keywords Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "Shop, prestashop" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $meta_language Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "de" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $meta_title Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "Niessen Online Shop" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $mobile_device Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = false ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $modules_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "/nshop/modules/" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $navigationPipe Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = ">" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $opc Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = true ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $page_name Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "index" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $pic_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $priceDisplay Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = 1 ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $priceDisplayPrecision Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = 2 ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $request Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $request_uri Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "/nshop/" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $roundMode Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = 2 ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $shop_name Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "Niessen Online Shop" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $static_token Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "6f31366a8df1c6c1e6012ba064930890" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $template Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "<i>\n</i><i>\n</i>" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $time Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = 1366017201 ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $token Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "19d0efc0e6dfe2064b7f908aa5846c42" ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $tpl_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = "/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop..." ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $use_taxes Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = 1 ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" $vat_management Smarty_Variable Object (3) ->value = 0 ->nocache = false ->scope = "Smarty root" assigned config file variables (outer template scope) Edited April 15, 2013 by sliver2k (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guest* Posted April 15, 2013 Share Posted April 15, 2013 90M sind nicht 128M ?! Für PS 1.5. nicht ausreichend und genau der Effekt den du berichtest. Es kann nicht mehr geladen werden als diese 90M Grenze. Die Skripte brechen daher ab weil der Speicher bereits die Grenze von 90 erreicht hat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rumata Posted April 15, 2013 Share Posted April 15, 2013 bei Speichermangel hätte es auch andere Erscheinungsbilder, z.b. dass die Modulliste nicht geladen werden kann, die Übersetzungen nicht gehen, oder die Bilder nicht neu berechnet werden können. Kannst du bitte noch den debug für die Frontseite einschalten? evtl. ist ein Modul fehlerhaft und er kann nicht weitermachen. Ach ja: wenn du strg+U drückst siehst du den quellcode der Seite. Siehst du dort den kompletten Prestashop-Seitencode, oder bricht er tatsächlich nach dem Logo ab? Es kann nämlich sein, dass nur eine CSS-Einschränkung die weitere Ausgabe verweigert gruß Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sliver2k Posted April 16, 2013 Author Share Posted April 16, 2013 (edited) speicher wurde nun auf 2gb erweitert debug für front ist an was meinst du mit css einschränkung? ber html code ist sehr maga <body id="index" class=" "> <div id="page" class="container_9 clearfix"> <!-- Header --> <div id="header" class="grid_9 alpha omega"> <a id="header_logo" href="" title="shop"> <img class="logo" src="/imgd/img/logo-1.jpg?1366095381" alt="shop" width="109" height="52" /> </a> <div id="header_right" class="grid_6 omega"> </div> </div> <div id="columns" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix"> <!-- Left --> <div id="left_column" class="column grid_2 alpha"> </div> <!-- Center --> <div id="center_column" class=" grid_5"> </div> <!-- Right --> <div id="right_column" class="column grid_2 omega"> </div> </div> <!-- Footer --> <div id="footer" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix"> </div> </div> </body> erst dachte ich ja das irgend wie das template beschädigt ist aber andere bringen nichts Edited April 16, 2013 by sliver2k (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guest* Posted April 16, 2013 Share Posted April 16, 2013 was ist das für ein Code den du hier geschrieben hast ? Mir scheint es ist die header.tpl ? Oder ist das der Quelltext ? Für header.tpl fehlt da einiges. Für den Quelltext noch mehr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sliver2k Posted April 16, 2013 Author Share Posted April 16, 2013 (edited) das war der headbereich der fehlerhaft ausgegebenen seite hier noch ein mal der vollständige text Quelltext: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7 lt-ie6 " lang="en"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 ie7" lang="en"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 ie8" lang="en"> <![endif]--> <!--[if gt IE 8]> <html lang="fr" class="no-js ie9" lang="en"> <![endif]--> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="de"> <head> <title>OShop Online Shop</title> <meta name="description" content="Shop powered by PrestaShop" /> <meta name="keywords" content="Shop, prestashop" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="de" /> <meta name="generator" content="PrestaShop" /> <meta name="robots" content="index,follow" /> <link rel="icon" type="image/" href="/nshop/img/favicon.ico?1366096709" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/nshop/img/favicon.ico?1366096709" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var baseDir = ''; var baseUri = ''; var static_token = '6f31366a8df1c6c1e6012ba064930890'; var token = '19d0efc0e6dfe2064b7f908aa5846c42'; var priceDisplayPrecision = 2; var priceDisplayMethod = 1; var roundMode = 2; </script> <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body id="index" class=" "> <div id="page" class="container_9 clearfix"> <!-- Header --> <div id="header" class="grid_9 alpha omega"> <a id="header_logo" href="" title="OShop Online Shop"> <img class="logo" src="/nshop/img/logo-1.jpg?1366096709" alt="OShop Online Shop" width="109" height="52" /> </a> <div id="header_right" class="grid_6 omega"> </div> </div> <div id="columns" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix"> <!-- Left --> <div id="left_column" class="column grid_2 alpha"> </div> <!-- Center --> <div id="center_column" class=" grid_5"> </div> <!-- Right --> <div id="right_column" class="column grid_2 omega"> </div> </div> <!-- Footer --> <div id="footer" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix"> </div> </div> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript"> _smarty_console ="","consoled41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e","width=680,height=600,resizable,scrollbars=yes"); _smarty_console.document.write("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"\">\n<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n <title>Smarty Debug Console<\/title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n\nbody, h1, h2, td, th, p {\n font-family: sans-serif;\n font-weight: normal;\n font-size: 0.9em;\n margin: 1px;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\nh1 {\n margin: 0;\n text-align: left;\n padding: 2px;\n background-color: #f0c040;\n color: black;\n font-weight: bold;\n font-size: 1.2em;\n }\n\nh2 {\n background-color: #9B410E;\n color: white;\n text-align: left;\n font-weight: bold;\n padding: 2px;\n border-top: 1px solid black;\n}\n\nbody {\n background: black; \n}\n\np, table, div {\n background: #f0ead8;\n} \n\np {\n margin: 0;\n font-style: italic;\n text-align: center;\n}\n\ntable {\n width: 100%;\n}\n\nth, td {\n font-family: monospace;\n vertical-align: top;\n text-align: left;\n width: 50%;\n}\n\ntd {\n color: green;\n}\n\n.odd {\n background-color: #eeeeee;\n}\n\n.even {\n background-color: #fafafa;\n}\n\n.exectime {\n font-size: 0.8em;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n#table_assigned_vars th {\n color: blue;\n}\n\n#table_config_vars th {\n color: maroon;\n}\n\n<\/style>\n<\/head>\n<body>\n\n<h1>Smarty Debug Console - Total Time 0.06563<\/h1>\n\n<h2>included templates & config files (load time in seconds)<\/h2>\n\n<div>\n <font color=brown>/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/index.tpl<\/font>\n <span class=\"exectime\">\n (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00018) (cache 0.00000)\n <\/span>\n <br>\n <font color=brown>/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/layout.tpl<\/font>\n <span class=\"exectime\">\n (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00188) (cache 0.00000)\n <\/span>\n <br>\n <font color=brown>/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/header.tpl<\/font>\n <span class=\"exectime\">\n (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00114) (cache 0.00000)\n <\/span>\n <br>\n <font color=brown>/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/footer.tpl<\/font>\n <span class=\"exectime\">\n (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00020) (cache 0.00000)\n <\/span>\n <br>\n<\/div>\n\n<h2>assigned template variables<\/h2>\n\n<table id=\"table_assigned_vars\">\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$HOOK_FOOTER<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$HOOK_HEADER<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$HOOK_HOME<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$HOOK_RIGHT_COLUMN<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$HOOK_TOP<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$PS_ALLOW_MOBILE_DEVICE<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$PS_CATALOG_MODE<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$PS_SHOP_NAME<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "OShop Online Shop"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$SCRIPT_NAME<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/index.php"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Global"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$add_prod_display<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 0<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$b2b_enable<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$base_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$base_dir_ssl<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$base_uri<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$cart<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Cart Object (22)<\/b><br> <b> ->id<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->id_shop_group<\/b> = 1<br> <b> ->id_shop<\/b> = 1<br> <b> ->id_address_delivery<\/b> = 0<br> <b> ->id_address_invoice<\/b> = 0<br> <b> ->id_currency<\/b> = 2<br> <b> ->id_customer<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->id_guest<\/b> = 0<br> <b> ->id_lang<\/b> = 2<br> <b> ->recyclable<\/b> = 1<br> <b> ->gift<\/b> = 0<br> <b> ->gift_message<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->date_add<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->secure_key<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->id_carrier<\/b> = 0<br> <b> ->date_upd<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->checkedTos<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br> <b> ->pictures<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->textFields<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->delivery_option<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->allow_seperated_package<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br> <b> ->id_shop_list<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$cart_qties<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 0<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$come_from<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$conditions<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "1"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$content_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$content_only<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 0<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$cookie<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Cookie Object (0)<\/b><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$css_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$css_files<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Array (1)<\/b><br> <b><\/b> => "all"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$currencies<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Array (1)<\/b><br> <b>0<\/b> => <b>Array (12)<\/b><br> <b>id_currency<\/b> => "2"<br> <b>name<\/b> => "Euro"<br> <b>iso_code<\/b> => "EUR"<br> <b>iso_code_num<\/b> => "978"<br> <b>sign<\/b> => "€"<br> <b>blank<\/b> => "1"<br> <b>format<\/b> => "5"<br> <b>decimals<\/b> => "1"<br> <b>conversion_rate<\/b> => "1.000000"<br> <b>deleted<\/b> => "0"<br> <b>active<\/b> => "1"<br> <b>id_shop<\/b> => "1"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$currency<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Currency Object (14)<\/b><br> <b> ->id<\/b> = 2<br> <b> ->name<\/b> = "Euro"<br> <b> ->iso_code<\/b> = "EUR"<br> <b> ->iso_code_num<\/b> = "978"<br> <b> ->sign<\/b> = "€"<br> <b> ->blank<\/b> = "1"<br> <b> ->conversion_rate<\/b> = "1.000000"<br> <b> ->deleted<\/b> = "0"<br> <b> ->format<\/b> = "5"<br> <b> ->decimals<\/b> = "1"<br> <b> ->active<\/b> = "1"<br> <b> ->prefix<\/b> = "€ "<br> <b> ->suffix<\/b> = ""<br> <b> ->id_shop_list<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$customerName<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$display_footer<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$display_header<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$display_tax_label<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$errors<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Array (0)<\/b><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$favicon_url<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/img/favicon.ico"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$hide_left_column<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$hide_right_column<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$id_cgv<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "3"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$id_currency_cookie<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 2<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_cat_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$img_col_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$img_lang_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_manu_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$img_prod_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_ps_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$img_ship_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_store_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$img_sup_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_update_time<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "1366096709"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$js_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$js_files<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Array (1)<\/b><br> <b>0<\/b> => ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$lang_iso<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "de"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$languages<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Array (1)<\/b><br> <b>0<\/b> => <b>Array (10)<\/b><br> <b>id_lang<\/b> => "2"<br> <b>name<\/b> => "Deutsch (German)"<br> <b>active<\/b> => "1"<br> <b>iso_code<\/b> => "de"<br> <b>language_code<\/b> => "de"<br> <b>date_format_lite<\/b> => "d.m.Y"<br> <b>date_format_full<\/b> => "d.m.Y H:i:s"<br> <b>is_rtl<\/b> => "0"<br> <b>id_shop<\/b> => "1"<br> <b>shops<\/b> => <b>Array (1)<\/b><br> <b>1<\/b> => <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$link<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Link Object (2)<\/b><br> <b> ->protocol_link<\/b> = "http://"<br> <b> ->protocol_content<\/b> = "http://"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$logged<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$logo_image_height<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "52"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$logo_image_width<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "109"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$logo_url<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/img/logo-1.jpg?1366096709"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$mail_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/mails/"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$meta_description<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "Shop powered by PrestaShop"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$meta_keywords<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "Shop, prestashop"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$meta_language<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "de"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$meta_title<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "OShop Online Shop"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$mobile_device<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$modules_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/modules/"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$navigationPipe<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ">"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$opc<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$page_name<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "index"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$pic_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$priceDisplay<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 1<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$priceDisplayPrecision<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 2<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$request<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$request_uri<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$roundMode<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 2<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$shop_name<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "OShop Online Shop"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$static_token<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "6f31366a8df1c6c1e6012ba064930890"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$template<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "<i>\\n</i><i>\\n</i>"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$time<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 1366096711<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$token<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "19d0efc0e6dfe2064b7f908aa5846c42"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$tpl_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop..."<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$use_taxes<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 1<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$vat_management<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 0<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <\/table>\n\n<h2>assigned config file variables (outer template scope)<\/h2>\n\n<table id=\"table_config_vars\">\n \n<\/table>\n<\/body>\n<\/html>\n"); _smarty_console.document.close(); </script> Edited April 16, 2013 by sliver2k (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prestamax Posted April 16, 2013 Share Posted April 16, 2013 (edited) Ein Link zur Seite würde vielleicht helfen. P.S: Also wenn es die Seite ist, die ich aus dem Quelltext rausgepickt habe Da kommt, wenn man auf das logo klickt eine Dateiendung hhtml (das ist ein h zuviel) Vielleicht liegts daran? Edited April 16, 2013 by prestamax (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guest* Posted April 16, 2013 Share Posted April 16, 2013 Kann es sein, dass du das hier ergänzt hast ? Im header ist bei dir 2X der Body-Tag angeführt, was natürlich nicht geht... Das Skript landet im Loop und kann nicht beenden. <script type="text/javascript"> _smarty_console ="","consoled41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e","width=680,height=600,resizable,scrollbars=yes"); _smarty_console.document.write("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"\">\n<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n <title>Smarty Debug Console<\/title>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n\nbody, h1, h2, td, th, p {\n font-family: sans-serif;\n font-weight: normal;\n font-size: 0.9em;\n margin: 1px;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\nh1 {\n margin: 0;\n text-align: left;\n padding: 2px;\n background-color: #f0c040;\n color: black;\n font-weight: bold;\n font-size: 1.2em;\n }\n\nh2 {\n background-color: #9B410E;\n color: white;\n text-align: left;\n font-weight: bold;\n padding: 2px;\n border-top: 1px solid black;\n}\n\nbody {\n background: black; \n}\n\np, table, div {\n background: #f0ead8;\n} \n\np {\n margin: 0;\n font-style: italic;\n text-align: center;\n}\n\ntable {\n width: 100%;\n}\n\nth, td {\n font-family: monospace;\n vertical-align: top;\n text-align: left;\n width: 50%;\n}\n\ntd {\n color: green;\n}\n\n.odd {\n background-color: #eeeeee;\n}\n\n.even {\n background-color: #fafafa;\n}\n\n.exectime {\n font-size: 0.8em;\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n#table_assigned_vars th {\n color: blue;\n}\n\n#table_config_vars th {\n color: maroon;\n}\n\n<\/style>\n<\/head>\n<body>\n\n<h1>Smarty Debug Console - Total Time 0.06563<\/h1>\n\n<h2>included templates & config files (load time in seconds)<\/h2>\n\n<div>\n <font color=brown>/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/index.tpl<\/font>\n <span class=\"exectime\">\n (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00018) (cache 0.00000)\n <\/span>\n <br>\n <font color=brown>/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/layout.tpl<\/font>\n <span class=\"exectime\">\n (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00188) (cache 0.00000)\n <\/span>\n <br>\n <font color=brown>/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/header.tpl<\/font>\n <span class=\"exectime\">\n (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00114) (cache 0.00000)\n <\/span>\n <br>\n <font color=brown>/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop/themes/default/footer.tpl<\/font>\n <span class=\"exectime\">\n (compile 0.00000) (render 0.00020) (cache 0.00000)\n <\/span>\n <br>\n<\/div>\n\n<h2>assigned template variables<\/h2>\n\n<table id=\"table_assigned_vars\">\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$HOOK_FOOTER<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$HOOK_HEADER<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$HOOK_HOME<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$HOOK_RIGHT_COLUMN<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$HOOK_TOP<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$PS_ALLOW_MOBILE_DEVICE<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$PS_CATALOG_MODE<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$PS_SHOP_NAME<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "OShop Online Shop"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$SCRIPT_NAME<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/index.php"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Global"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$add_prod_display<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 0<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$b2b_enable<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$base_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$base_dir_ssl<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$base_uri<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$cart<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Cart Object (22)<\/b><br> <b> ->id<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->id_shop_group<\/b> = 1<br> <b> ->id_shop<\/b> = 1<br> <b> ->id_address_delivery<\/b> = 0<br> <b> ->id_address_invoice<\/b> = 0<br> <b> ->id_currency<\/b> = 2<br> <b> ->id_customer<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->id_guest<\/b> = 0<br> <b> ->id_lang<\/b> = 2<br> <b> ->recyclable<\/b> = 1<br> <b> ->gift<\/b> = 0<br> <b> ->gift_message<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->date_add<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->secure_key<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->id_carrier<\/b> = 0<br> <b> ->date_upd<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->checkedTos<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br> <b> ->pictures<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->textFields<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->delivery_option<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br> <b> ->allow_seperated_package<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br> <b> ->id_shop_list<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$cart_qties<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 0<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$come_from<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$conditions<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "1"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$content_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$content_only<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 0<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$cookie<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Cookie Object (0)<\/b><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$css_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$css_files<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Array (1)<\/b><br> <b><\/b> => "all"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$currencies<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Array (1)<\/b><br> <b>0<\/b> => <b>Array (12)<\/b><br> <b>id_currency<\/b> => "2"<br> <b>name<\/b> => "Euro"<br> <b>iso_code<\/b> => "EUR"<br> <b>iso_code_num<\/b> => "978"<br> <b>sign<\/b> => "€"<br> <b>blank<\/b> => "1"<br> <b>format<\/b> => "5"<br> <b>decimals<\/b> => "1"<br> <b>conversion_rate<\/b> => "1.000000"<br> <b>deleted<\/b> => "0"<br> <b>active<\/b> => "1"<br> <b>id_shop<\/b> => "1"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$currency<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Currency Object (14)<\/b><br> <b> ->id<\/b> = 2<br> <b> ->name<\/b> = "Euro"<br> <b> ->iso_code<\/b> = "EUR"<br> <b> ->iso_code_num<\/b> = "978"<br> <b> ->sign<\/b> = "€"<br> <b> ->blank<\/b> = "1"<br> <b> ->conversion_rate<\/b> = "1.000000"<br> <b> ->deleted<\/b> = "0"<br> <b> ->format<\/b> = "5"<br> <b> ->decimals<\/b> = "1"<br> <b> ->active<\/b> = "1"<br> <b> ->prefix<\/b> = "€ "<br> <b> ->suffix<\/b> = ""<br> <b> ->id_shop_list<\/b> = <i>null<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$customerName<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$display_footer<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$display_header<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$display_tax_label<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$errors<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Array (0)<\/b><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$favicon_url<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/img/favicon.ico"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$hide_left_column<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$hide_right_column<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$id_cgv<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "3"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$id_currency_cookie<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 2<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_cat_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$img_col_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$img_lang_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_manu_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$img_prod_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_ps_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$img_ship_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_store_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$img_sup_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$img_update_time<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "1366096709"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$js_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$js_files<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Array (1)<\/b><br> <b>0<\/b> => ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$lang_iso<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "de"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$languages<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Array (1)<\/b><br> <b>0<\/b> => <b>Array (10)<\/b><br> <b>id_lang<\/b> => "2"<br> <b>name<\/b> => "Deutsch (German)"<br> <b>active<\/b> => "1"<br> <b>iso_code<\/b> => "de"<br> <b>language_code<\/b> => "de"<br> <b>date_format_lite<\/b> => "d.m.Y"<br> <b>date_format_full<\/b> => "d.m.Y H:i:s"<br> <b>is_rtl<\/b> => "0"<br> <b>id_shop<\/b> => "1"<br> <b>shops<\/b> => <b>Array (1)<\/b><br> <b>1<\/b> => <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$link<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <b>Link Object (2)<\/b><br> <b> ->protocol_link<\/b> = "http://"<br> <b> ->protocol_content<\/b> = "http://"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$logged<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$logo_image_height<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "52"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$logo_image_width<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "109"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$logo_url<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/img/logo-1.jpg?1366096709"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$mail_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/mails/"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$meta_description<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "Shop powered by PrestaShop"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$meta_keywords<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "Shop, prestashop"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$meta_language<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "de"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$meta_title<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "OShop Online Shop"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$mobile_device<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$modules_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/modules/"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$navigationPipe<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ">"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$opc<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = <i>true<\/i><br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$page_name<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "index"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$pic_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$priceDisplay<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 1<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$priceDisplayPrecision<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 2<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$request<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = ""<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$request_uri<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/nshop/"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$roundMode<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 2<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$shop_name<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "OShop Online Shop"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$static_token<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "6f31366a8df1c6c1e6012ba064930890"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$template<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "<i>\\n</i><i>\\n</i>"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$time<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 1366096711<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$token<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "19d0efc0e6dfe2064b7f908aa5846c42"<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$tpl_dir<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = "/homepages/25/d450924652/htdocs/nshop..."<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"even\"> \n <th>$use_taxes<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 1<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <tr class=\"odd\"> \n <th>$vat_management<\/th>\n <td><b>Smarty_Variable Object (3)<\/b><br><b> ->value<\/b> = 0<br><b> ->nocache<\/b> = <i>false<\/i><br><b> ->scope<\/b> = "Smarty root"<\/td><\/tr>\n <\/table>\n\n<h2>assigned config file variables (outer template scope)<\/h2>\n\n<table id=\"table_config_vars\">\n \n<\/table>\n<\/body>\n<\/html>\n"); _smarty_console.document.close(); </script> Der Code ist mir völlig fremd in PS Original. Vermutlich ist dieser auch Schuld daran, dass die Seite nicht mehr komplett angezeigt wird. Was willst du eigentlich einfügen im Header ? Ist es ein Modul ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sliver2k Posted April 16, 2013 Author Share Posted April 16, 2013 (edited) 2x body tag? ich sehe nur einen ich habe nichts eingefügt es ist origianl prestashop mit original them zum testen (das custom them habe ich zum testen erst mal raus genommen module sind alle standard von prestashop und 3 weitere die ich aber nur auf unterseiten habe und zum testen gelöschgt habe Link sende ich gerne zu jedoch ist die seite im wartungsmodus wegen den kunden und ich bräuchte die ip damit ich euch frei schalten kann. das backend und co laufen super Edited April 16, 2013 by sliver2k (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guest* Posted April 16, 2013 Share Posted April 16, 2013 Schau dir genau deinen Block an, den du da eingefügt hast. Dort ist ebenfals <body> und </body> eingebaut. Und zwar kurz vor outer template scope. Dieser ganze JS-Code den ich im Post #12 angegeben habe, ist kein Presta Original. Das ist eine Presta-Original header.tpl: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7 lt-ie6 " lang="en"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 ie7" lang="en"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 ie8" lang="en"> <![endif]--> <!--[if gt IE 8]> <html lang="fr" class="no-js ie9" lang="en"> <![endif]--> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="{$lang_iso}"> <head> <title>{$meta_title|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</title> {if isset($meta_description) AND $meta_description} <meta name="description" content="{$meta_description|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" /> {/if} {if isset($meta_keywords) AND $meta_keywords} <meta name="keywords" content="{$meta_keywords|escape:html:'UTF-8'}" /> {/if} <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="{$meta_language}" /> <meta name="generator" content="PrestaShop" /> <meta name="robots" content="{if isset($nobots)}no{/if}index,{if isset($nofollow) && $nofollow}no{/if}follow" /> <link rel="icon" type="image/" href="{$favicon_url}?{$img_update_time}" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="{$favicon_url}?{$img_update_time}" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var baseDir = '{$content_dir}'; var baseUri = '{$base_uri}'; var static_token = '{$static_token}'; var token = '{$token}'; var priceDisplayPrecision = {$priceDisplayPrecision*$currency->decimals}; var priceDisplayMethod = {$priceDisplay}; var roundMode = {$roundMode}; </script> {if isset($css_files)} {foreach from=$css_files key=css_uri item=media} <link href="{$css_uri}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="{$media}" /> {/foreach} {/if} {if isset($js_files)} {foreach from=$js_files item=js_uri} <script type="text/javascript" src="{$js_uri}"></script> {/foreach} {/if} {$HOOK_HEADER} </head> <body {if isset($page_name)}id="{$page_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"{/if} class="{if $hide_left_column}hide-left-column{/if} {if $hide_right_column}hide-right-column{/if} {if $content_only} content_only {/if}"> {if !$content_only} {if isset($restricted_country_mode) && $restricted_country_mode} <div id="restricted-country"> <p>{l s='You cannot place a new order from your country.'} <span class="bold">{$geolocation_country}</span></p> </div> {/if} <div id="page" class="container_9 clearfix"> <!-- Header --> <div id="header" class="grid_9 alpha omega"> <a id="header_logo" href="{$base_dir}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"> <img class="logo" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {if $logo_image_width}width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if} {if $logo_image_height}height="{$logo_image_height}" {/if} /> </a> <div id="header_right" class="grid_6 omega"> {$HOOK_TOP} </div> </div> <div id="columns" class="grid_9 alpha omega clearfix"> <!-- Left --> <div id="left_column" class="column grid_2 alpha"> {$HOOK_LEFT_COLUMN} </div> <!-- Center --> <div id="center_column" class=" grid_5"> {/if} Und hört mit class=" grid_5" auf. 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sliver2k Posted April 16, 2013 Author Share Posted April 16, 2013 danke für den vergleich doch was kann ich nun machen? die tpls liegen doch in den thems und egal ob mein them oder ein free them oder das original prestathem kommt bei mir immer fast der gleiche quellcode raus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guest* Posted April 16, 2013 Share Posted April 16, 2013 Dann deinstalliere einmal alle Module die nicht original sind. Allerdings muss ich da noch einmal auf deinen Webspace zurückkommen. Hast du die Liste im Link genau verglichen mit deinen Server-Einstellungen ? 2GB heisst für einen erfahrenen User wie mich nicht memory_limit, sondern Speicherplatz auf der Festplatte. Sende die Werte deinen Provider, der weiß sicher was er damit zu tun hat. Für mich ist es nämlich schon sehr bedenklich, dass er bei dir keinerlei Module lädt. Entweder weil der memory_limit oder execution_time zu klein sind, oder du hast den Shop irgendwie geschrottet. Fehlermeldungen kommen keine ? Wie hast du den Debug-Modus überhaupt aktiviert ? So wird er aktiviert: Bearbeite deine am FTP -> config/ /* Debug only */ define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); if (_PS_MODE_DEV_) { @ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true); /* Compatibility warning */ define('_PS_DISPLAY_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING_', true); Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sliver2k Posted April 16, 2013 Author Share Posted April 16, 2013 das mit den 2gb ist nicht der speicher sondern der arbeitsspeicher der nun nach deinen tip zu verfügung steht (dedicated server) den fehlermodus habe ich so wie rumata gepostet hat eingeschaltet (identisch mit dir) module habe ich bereits zum testen raus genommen und nur die original gelassen aber es brachte nichts max_execution_time: 50000 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guest* Posted April 16, 2013 Share Posted April 16, 2013 Eine .htaccess hast du auch schon erstellt ? Ich sehe mit Firebug, dass wenn man die Seite aufruft 274 bytes gesendet werden und der Cache 0 bytes zurückgibt und dann auf 404-Seite leitet, die eigentlich garnicht angezeigt wird. Die 404-Seite von Prestashop sieht ganz anders aus und wird garnicht aufgerufen. Wer hat die Werte am Server angepasst ? Der Server gibt das auch her ? Ich würde einmal testweise den Shop so wie er ist lokal unter XAMP clonen. Also 1:1 alles hinunterladen und lokal ausprobieren. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sliver2k Posted April 16, 2013 Author Share Posted April 16, 2013 (edited) die seite die du meinst wird falsch sein, bringt es etwas wenn ich einen link poste wenn die seite im wartungsmodus ist? zum testen habe ich noch mal ein addon installiert das wird mir nun richtig angezeigt, es scheint so das der aufbau aller addons (module) nicht angeordnet würde sind die modulpositionen in einer datei gespeichert? bzw in welcher? htaccess habe ich bereits eine neue erstellt OK meine vermutung geht nun in die richtige richtung alle neu installierten module werden richtig angezeigt gibt es eine datei die ich einzeln vom backup zurückspielen kann damit ich wieder alle richtig habe? wie kann so etwas kommen? Edited April 16, 2013 by sliver2k (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
guest* Posted April 17, 2013 Share Posted April 17, 2013 Für mich zeigt sich die Seite nach wie vor nur mit dem Logo und eine eigene 404-Seite die nicht von Prestashop ist. Hast du die Module alle deaktiviert/deinstalliert ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lockesoft Posted April 17, 2013 Share Posted April 17, 2013 Hallo zusammen, ich würde in dem Zusammenhang gerne mal die .htaccess sehen. Das heisst natürlich den Inhalt davon, denn wie CD2500 schon richtig anmerkt, ist die 404 seite nicht von Prestashop. LG Klaus / Lockesoft Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sliver2k Posted April 24, 2013 Author Share Posted April 24, 2013 nach vielen Experimenten habe ich den Fehler noch nicht gefunden aber erkannt das er in der Mysql DB liegt - weiter bin ich leider noch nicht gekommen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sliver2k Posted April 24, 2013 Author Share Posted April 24, 2013 (edited) kann mir pls jemand mitteilen welche DB Einträge Auswirkungen auf den Seitenaufbau (nicht Inhalt haben) der Fehler scheint in einen dieser Einträge zu liegen Anzeigen: (123 Zeilen) ps_hook Anzeigen: (86 Zeilen) ps_hook_alias Anzeigen: (144 Zeilen) ps_hook_module Anzeigen: (0 Zeilen) ps_hook_module_exceptions Anzeigen: (65 Zeilen) ps_module Anzeigen: (260 Zeilen) ps_module_access Anzeigen: (2 Zeilen) ps_module_country Anzeigen: (2 Zeilen) ps_module_currency Anzeigen: (195 Zeilen) ps_module_group Anzeigen: (0 Zeilen) ps_module_preference Anzeigen: (65 Zeilen) ps_module_shop Anzeigen: (0 Zeilen) ps_tab_module_preference Anzeigen: (1 Zeilen) ps_theme Edited April 24, 2013 by sliver2k (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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