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I installed Prestashop and see below message on top of the page.


The following module(s) could not be loaded::

  • followup (class missing in /modules/followup/followup.php)


Can anyone please advise on how can I repair this error ?


Thanks and regards,


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Thanks for your response.


If the followup module is missing or corrupted, is there any possibilities to install or repair this module ?


Yesterday I downloaded and installed Prestashop for my new shop. I was uploading images and above message started appearing on top of the page.




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I did exactly what you said. Downloaded a new zip file from Prestashop and replaced 'followup' folder through ftp. Now I don't see the above error message. Great stuff! Thank you very much for your help.


Earlier I was able to see only 61 modules and now I could see a total of 105 modules.


No, I didn't install any third party module.

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