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The search bar has changed...

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I was working on different settings, with no associatons with the search bar, when i observed that it has changed from the standard one ( prestashop 1.5.4, default theme) with a very little one, with no text, on the top of the header. Same in firefox, ie, chrome.


I deleted all cookies,caches,... restarted everything, and still there.


When I start modyfing things, i did it on a new created theme ( some like 10 days ago).


Now, if I click on the default theme, the search is as it should. When I click my theme back...search is also, ok, again. But, after a time ( like 3-4 hours), it is not ok ( even i did not modified anything). click the default, again ok.


Can somebody give me a reasonable explication, please?

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Try accessing the site with your cache disabled in chrome (enable dev tools by hitting f12, then click the small gear icon and select "Disable Cache"). See if you get any difference, since i've noticed PS gets stuck with cache/cookies recently

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Well, my problem it is not to restore the initial search ( i can do that , as i said by clicking the initial theme, and again my theme).

My question is why is happening that.


And, if there is a problem with the cache, it is not so important for me to see the correct search, but for my clients, and i cant't tell anybody: if you want to see the coorect form of my shop, you must disable cookies...


Thank for your answer, it is good to now...

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