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search - payment for virtual product - filesize

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Hello. I  found several problems in RC3 version.

1. Problem with searching products in front office,  have a product named dct 001 if i search whatever combination, the result is No results found for your search. Other name of products seems to be ok. Back office works well.

2. If i want to buy a virtual product such as mp3, and  i am in payment module of the order, its posible to choose COD witch is illogical, even if i pick up this payment option i can confirm  order and see the link for download the product, but basicaly i did not pay it yet!


3. In back office, when makeing a new virtual product, there is 2M maximum filesize upload.(i need more)

Iv been searching in forum, and tryed to add this script:                                                                                    <?php @ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '100M'); ?>  ... to config/config.inc.php as i found here as solution, but does not work at all, actually presta was showing somewere just blank pages (in front office) after i did this.


4. (this is not so important, but could be sort out better) If customer want buy more pieces of  one product, then is available in the stock, there is just litle windows  note product is no longer available then you have to click ok and nothing happened.


Sorry for my english.

Any idea how to fix some of above of course highly welcomed  :)

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Hi hujer,


Just a quick answer to question #3;


The max file size for uploads is defined in the php configuration file (php.ini).

Have a look here: http://uk.php.net/ini.core and search for 'post_max_size' and 'upload_max_filesize'.


Place a file on your server containing this code:

function let_to_num($v){ //This function transforms the php.ini notation for numbers (like '2M') to an integer (2*1024*1024 in this case)
    $l = substr($v, -1);
    $ret = substr($v, 0, -1);
    case 'P':
        $ret *= 1024;
    case 'T':
        $ret *= 1024;
    case 'G':
        $ret *= 1024;
    case 'M':
        $ret *= 1024;
    case 'K':
        $ret *= 1024;
    return $ret;
$max_upload_size = min(let_to_num(ini_get('post_max_size')), let_to_num(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')));

echo "Maximum upload file size is ".($max_upload_size/(1024*1024))."MB.";


This should output the current max file size for uploading.

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I followed your instructions and what only happened is, if i open it in browser,the page shows text: "Maximum upload file size is 2MB". But i need more :)

If is it too complicated to set it up, just give it up. (it could be hard to make me understand, cos of my knowledge)

I have much more priority to solve problem with paypal in RC3 now. After payment is done (for virtual product) on the paypal site is button to get back to prestashop, and if you go back, the products are still in your shopping cart, that means, no purchase actually happened, but its already payd! At back office no order of course :(

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I have much more priority to solve problem with paypal in RC3 now. After payment is done (for virtual product) on the paypal site is button to get back to prestashop, and if you go back, the products are still in your shopping cart, that means, no purchase actually happened, but its already payd! At back office no order of course :(



No, so its not like this !!! I just found out, the purchase at the end procesed well but with some delay, anyway when i went back directly from paypal site after procesed payment to shop, at that moment the product was still in the basket. Confusing....

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  • 2 months later...

i was trying several things, but no success and i even didnt try it in V1 yet.
Peter please, how it looks with my question #1 the search? It still dosent work in V1 if there is product with name less then 4 letters.
Félicitations à final release :)

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