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[SOLVED] Page Not Available - home page after 1.5.4 upgrade

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I upgraded my 1.4.9 to 1.5.4


Shop is enabled,


but home page shows the following:




This page is not available


We're sorry, but the Web address you've entered is no longer available.

To find a product, please type its name in the field below.






below is the info from Smarty Debug Console



Smarty Debug Console - Total Time 0.27484
included templates & config files (load time in seconds)
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assigned template variables
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active => "1"
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->scope = "Smarty root"
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->scope = "Smarty root"
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->scope = "Smarty root"
$js_files Smarty_Variable Object (3)
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 0 => "http://www.hss.switched-on-schoolhous..."
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->value = "en"
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$languages Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = Array (5)
 0 => Array (10)
id_lang => "1"
name => "English (English)"
active => "1"
iso_code => "en"
language_code => "en-us"
date_format_lite => "m/d/Y"
date_format_full => "m/d/Y H:i:s"
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id_shop => "1"
shops => Array (1)
  1 => true
 1 => Array (10)
id_lang => "2"
name => "Français (French)"
active => "1"
iso_code => "fr"
language_code => "fr"
date_format_lite => "d/m/Y"
date_format_full => "d/m/Y H:i:s"
is_rtl => "0"
id_shop => "1"
shops => Array (1)
  1 => true
 2 => Array (10)
id_lang => "3"
name => "Español (Spanish)"
active => "1"
iso_code => "es"
language_code => "es"
date_format_lite => "d/m/Y"
date_format_full => "d/m/Y H:i:s"
is_rtl => "0"
id_shop => "1"
shops => Array (1)
  1 => true
 3 => Array (10)
id_lang => "4"
name => "Deutsch (German)"
active => "1"
iso_code => "de"
language_code => "de"
date_format_lite => "d.m.Y"
date_format_full => "d.m.Y H:i:s"
is_rtl => "0"
id_shop => "1"
shops => Array (1)
  1 => true
 4 => Array (10)
id_lang => "5"
name => "Italiano (Italian)"
active => "1"
iso_code => "it"
language_code => "it"
date_format_lite => "d/m/Y"
date_format_full => "d/m/Y H:i:s"
is_rtl => "0"
id_shop => "1"
shops => Array (1)
  1 => true
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->value = false
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->value = "/modules/paypal/img/logos/US_vertical..."
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->value = "125"
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->scope = "Smarty root"
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->value = "334"
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->scope = "Smarty root"
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->value = "/img/logo.jpg?1365904617"
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->scope = "Smarty root"
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->value = "/mails/"
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->value = ""
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->scope = "Smarty root"
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->value = ""
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->scope = "Smarty root"
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->value = "en-fr-es-de-it"
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$meta_title Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = "HomeSchool-Shelf.com"
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$mobile_device Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = false
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$modules_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = "/modules/"
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$navigationPipe Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = ">"
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$opc Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = false
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
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->value = "pagenotfound"
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$pic_dir Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = "http://www.hss.switched-on-schoolhous..."
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$priceDisplay Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = 0
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$priceDisplayPrecision Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = 2
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$request Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = "http://www.hss.switched-on-schoolhous..."
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$request_uri Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = "/en/"
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$roundMode Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = 2
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$shop_name Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = "HomeSchool-Shelf.com"
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$show_taxes Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = 0
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->scope = "Smarty root"
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->value = "d710fcda50812d4c92f1ad5910295592"
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$template Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = "<div class="pagenotfound"><h1>This pa..."
->nocache = false
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$time Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = 1365904645
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
$token Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = "0d9186fa481003fa3dae1ea5a0a432ae"
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->value = "/home4/homescq0/public_html/hss/theme..."
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$use_taxes Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = 0
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$vat_management Smarty_Variable Object (3)
->value = 0
->nocache = false
->scope = "Smarty root"
assigned config file variables (outer template scope)

Edited by barrystein (see edit history)
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