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Changing the message for blocked countries

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So I've configured the geolocation feature to block some countries and it's working fine, but I was wondering if there is anyway to change the message that appears to blocked customers.


Any help would be appreciated but keep in mind I'm a complete noob so go easy on me :P

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Is it this message you want to change?

You cannot place a new order from your country.


If so, as Vekia said, go to Localization->Translations.

Select "front office translations", and click on the desired language flag. (If you just want different English,click the USA flag.)


search for the above sentence (found in the block 'header') and enter the new desired text next to this field. voila.


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  • 6 months later...

Is it this message you want to change?

You cannot place a new order from your country.


If so, as Vekia said, go to Localization->Translations.

Select "front office translations", and click on the desired language flag. (If you just want different English,click the USA flag.)


search for the above sentence (found in the block 'header') and enter the new desired text next to this field. voila.




I have an additional question, I would like the message to be centered in the screen instead of being on the left part. Any chance we can adjust this point ??


Thanks a lot for your comments !

Edited by Benoît Loubière (see edit history)
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This is the code that prints it, so probably try some css on #restricted-country


<div id="restricted-country">
<p>{l s='You cannot place a new order from your country.'} <span class="bold">{$geolocation_country}</span></p>
Put it in themes/<your theme folder>/css/global.css
something like:
#restricted-country {
text-align: centered;
or so. Didn't try it, so play with it a little.
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I have an additional question, I would like the message to be centered in the screen instead of being on the left part. Any chance we can adjust this point ??


Thanks a lot for your comments !


Thanks Pascal VG  !!

Now its ok !


This is the code that prints it, so probably try some css on #restricted-country


<div id="restricted-country">
<p>{l s='You cannot place a new order from your country.'} <span class="bold">{$geolocation_country}</span></p>
Put it in themes/<your theme folder>/css/global.css
something like:
#restricted-country {
text-align: centered;
or so. Didn't try it, so play with it a little.



Thanks PascalVG


Now it's ok !

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