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(SOLVED) Adding info to my shop header

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Hi all


I need some help adding my phone number to the header of my shop.

I think it needs to go in the header.tpl file but have no idea what the coding is and how to set it up. I would like it to go on the right hand side of the header.


Please can anybody advise me.





Edited by hippooflove (see edit history)
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In my opinion, it would be better to add a module, otherwise you're stuck to adding it as the first item in the "header_right" part.


But if you really want to go plain, locate the header_right div in header.tpl, and add your code before {$hook_top}

Of course, youll need to apply some right float to the element to have it sticking in the top right part

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Thanks Vekia


I have downloaded your free stuff module and it partly does what I want. I realize that its a free module and I am grateful for that but it moves my logo down on my header. Is there a way to add the details i have without causing this to happen.

you can see what I mean at http://www.homesteadandgarden.co.uk


If not, I can cope with it as it is but it would be even better if the above did not happen



Great module though.

Edited by hippooflove (see edit history)
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