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1.5.4 reassurance block changing $page_name to 'category'. Different in header/footer

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Reassurance block is setting the $page_name to 'category' all the time. It's outputting as 'index' in header and footer files as it should. I'm trying to use the variable to hide a block, but of course it is always 'category' so it's not working.


Where or how are the page_names set and stored? Any ideas why the module is overwriting the page_name?


I've upgraded to 1.5.4 on a test site, I've re-installed the module etc but {$page_name} keeps just outputting as 'category' (inside the reassurance block where I've dumped to screen)


Please help

Many Thanks

Edited by atwitz3nd (see edit history)
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What you are describing is wierd, because I think the page name is being set by the controller not by a module (unless its a payment page).


Once you remove the module than you can get the page name as 'index'?

Do you use default theme?

Do you have that in your header.tpl

<body {if isset($page_name)}id="{$page_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"{/if}

Can you post your site url?

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