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Reset password doesn't work


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Hi people,


I was just working with my shop adding products and stuffs.. I had to relogin for some reasons and after relogin even my auto-saved password doesn't work,

Also, I tried to reset password it says,


There is 1 error

  1. An error occurred during your password change."


Even If I assume the shop is hacked some how, is there any recover process if I have all the necessary logins of hosting where I can edit users and passwords?

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I have almost the same problem and decide not to open my own topic.

My site is working more that an year but few days ago manager call me and report that she can't access back-office. I tried all users logon and pass but non of then work. Even more - when I try to create new account in front-office I get same error - user does not exist or password is incorrect. I try to reset password through database and it does not work. What else should I do?

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