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Securepay Module Question

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I'm new to Prestashop, and have just installed it. All seems to be OK, but one reason I chose it is because my company uses Securepay as a payment solution and I wanted a shop which supported it.


And so it does, the Securepay module was an extra-cost add-on and so I bought it and installed it.


However, when I came to configure the module by adding my Merchant ID and password to receive transactions, the Configure page asked for the Merchant ID but there was no field for entering the password. As a result, the checkout will not work because the password isn't there.


I have sent a support request to Prestashop (who are the writers of the module) but I didn't get any reply.


Does anyone know what I should do?





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lol...really you could not understand that?


perhaps the securepay services were recently updated to require the password field? I'm not too familiar with that service, but it is possible. Therefore you can either wait for PS to update the module (good luck with that), or you can attempt to update the module yourself, to include the password in the module config page, and then pass it to securepay as required.


If you are not experienced with php development, then I can offer my services to you. Send me a PM if you are interested and we can determine next steps.

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