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Payment option according to product

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Hi There


I am looking for a mod wherein i have the option to select which products can have which payment options e.g.


I dont want laptops to be have cash on delivery as payment options

but i want mouse to have cash on delivery option


Similarly i dont want desktops to have credit card payment options


is there a way wherein we can be selective on the payment options according to product or category of product



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I am looking for this option too. Can anyone help? For instance, I am currently setup to accept Paypal, Checks, Bank Wire and COD as my payment options. Some items I sell may possibly violate a Paypal rule and is not allowed to be sold using their service, but can be sold using Checks, Bank Wire and COD. How can I create a payment option according to product? If the customer adds two or more items to the cart, one is okay with Paypal, the other is not okay with Paypal, the payment options should not include Paypal.


On a separate but similar note, when I ship COD, since I ship from the U.S., the COD option should only show up when the customer is located in the U.S. as it is not possible to ship internationally.


Can anyone help with these issues? I switched from Oscommerce to Prestashop and I love it. I just have a few issues I need solved.

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For COD in US, that is easy to control from the modules | payment section. Simply select USA as the only country available for that payment method.


As for filtering products, this is not configurable. There are a few approaches, however they would require development. The simplest would be to define which products have which payment restrictions, perhaps in an excel/csv file, in the following format







Then within each module, you would essentially add code into the hookpayment function, that would look for the restricted products, and return false if they are in the cart.


So for the paypal module, you would have the following psuedo code

If Cart has Product Id 1 or 2, then return false


Using this approach however, would require that you keep it updated when you add/remove products, or after you upgrade the payment modules, you would have to re-apply the code.

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