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Missing "State" field in account creation tab (in internet explorer 8)

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In my account creation tab when viewing prestashop with Internet Explorer version 8 (IE8) does not contain the field called "State" When I compile all fields prestashop does not make me go ahead and tell me that is missing the "State". But it is not a field that you can not insert the value "State". So I can not continue the purchase of products.

This problem occurs only with Internet Explorer version 8.

With Internet Explorer version 9 the "State" field exists and then you can buy it regularly.


Help me please


I've prestashop version


Best regards

Edited by Artur Fonzarelli (see edit history)
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I solved the problem.

go to in:


Themese ---> Your Themes -----> Authentication.tpl


at the line 32-33-34-35 replace the following code:


idSelectedCountry = {if isset ($ smarty.post.id_state)} {$ smarty.post.id_state | intval} {else} false {/ if};

countries = new Array ();

countriesNeedIDNumber = new Array ();

countriesNeedZipCode = new Array ();


with the following code:


var idSelectedCountry = {if isset ($ smarty.post.id_state)} {$ smarty.post.id_state | intval} {else} false {/ if};

var countries = new Array ();

var countriesNeedIDNumber var = new Array ();

var countriesNeedZipCode var = new Array ();


Now, in the account creation tab appears STATE field.



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  • 2 weeks later...

It actually worked like a charm, it turned out I was modifying authentication.tpl and checking the addresses.tpl file.


Thanks for your reply though :)


Hello nabeez, I don't think you have the same cause of the problem. Does it show on IE9?

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