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formatting all title_blocks at once

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I'm trying to just have the title_block elements in the body to be formatted like my menu, I don't want it in the footer (as it currently is now at sitinuriatistudio.com)


I GUESS, I'm going to have to go into every tpl where I need to change it and do that? No easier way?


I just went to: blockcontact.tpl


and saw: <h4 class="title_block">


I'm assuming I'll have to change that to "title_block_body" and then put the formatting in global.css

and then do that for all the other tpl's?


Boy that will be a bloody nightmare when I have to UPDATE my prestashop :P




Edited by closeupman (see edit history)
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I think I've solved it.

I'm going to add the classes to global.css

Is this the best way? If so I'll mark this thread as solved :P


here's what I did:

#contact_block .title_block, #wishlist_block .title block {

/* my formatting here */



and/or is there a better way to write this?




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Yes Paul. And I got most of it. I tried to format the newsletter in the global.css but that didn't seem to work, do I HAVE to format it in the newsletter css like you did?


Also, would it be possible to put the facebook in the footer or would that break the layout?

(that's the only place I can put it, or I was thinking of making it two columns)




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