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PayPal module not working PS 1.5.4

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Hi All,

I have finally activated PayPal module and it does come with error when you click add to cart.



## Impossible to add the product to the cart.

textStatus: 'error'

errorThrown: 'No Transport'





I have disbled/enabled uninstalled / installed several times but still no luck.


Please help


Attached screenshot


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It works when you turn Ajax cart off, thank you, but is it possible to make it work with ajax on?


I have been playing with Prestashop for years on and off on a small scale but each time you were nearly there something didn't work big time.

Like now this thing with Google Checkout, why that is not supported anymore and if it's not why on the main page of Prestashop it say Google Checkout is supported. Someone could make a financial decision by reading this and loose lot's of money.


So anyway, this is my last attempt if it will work it's great. If it will be able to process 50 orders per day (doubt it) without blink for next couple of weeks. It will go to production if not I will have to go with different option.

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Hi Benjamin,

Installed then autoupgraded (clean install no tweaks just upgrade over it) to 1.5.4

After first upgrade the BackOffice menu was in French. So installed again, autoupgraded again.

Menu is in English but if you go to translations/gb/tabs.php

GB translation is in French, unfortunately even though France is only 17 miles away we don't speak French here ;-)


$tabs['AdminCartRules'] = 'Règles panier';

$tabs['AdminSpecificPriceRule'] = 'Règles de prix catalogue';

$tabs['AdminAdminPreferences'] = 'Préférences';


You can see the shop here http://goo.gl/DW69x


Many thanks

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British English came with the auto update.

Ajax on

And changed config/defines.inc.php as below, is that right


/* Debug only */

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

if (_PS_MODE_DEV_)


@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);

/* Compatibility warning */





@ini_set('display_errors', 'off');

define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false);

/* Compatibility warning */



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