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Switching from one template to another dilemma.

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Hi guys,


I don't know if I'm informed well but, I was told that if I start my PrestaShop website using one theme (no matter if it is payed or free) and in some point want to switch to another theme I would need to upload my entries, articles, and basically all user data all over again.


Is this true?


I would like to start with free template and then I will probably purchase one template from tempatemonster as currently I don't have enough funds, but this thing above scares me.


Ty all in advance


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I hear that simple export of the DB tables (DB dump) from phpMyAdmin is enough.

Later you can make new PrestaShop installation and import that same dump and data should be fine.


I would need someone to confirm this.



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Like vekia, changing your template don't affect your datas.


@Dolke : warning to import database on a new installation, because some elements like pasword was crypt with information contain in settings.inc.php file.

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Only make sure if you make special modifications in one of your themes, you have to do that for the other themes as well, to have them there, of course. Overriding tpl files to add or remove something etc.


Data itself is not affected, as that is not in your theme, but, as Vekia already mentioned, in the database. However, if your new theme has for example not a 'right column', your modules hooked to it will also not be there in your new theme. You will need to reposition them to another position to make them available


My 2 cents,


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