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Question about manufacturers + reselling, SKU, drop shipping

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This is just a general inquiry because I am having issues really understanding how it works.


What i'd like to do is be able to have someone buy something from my website, then me send out a notification to the manufacturer, and have them deal with the shipping.


As I'm getting ready to launch I'm having trouble grasping the concept. How does it generally work?


I receive money in Account A, I then send the manufacturer payment from account A + shipping information via some system?


Thanks, its a learning process.

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You are on the right track. Person buys and pays on your site. You buy, pay, and enter shipping address on manufacturers site. You need to find out the procedure for this with the manufacturer and make sure they drop-ship. Some may want a phone order, most will have an online order system. Once you place the order and get a tracking number from the manufacturer, enter it in the tracking number field for your customers order so they can track the shipment. That's pretty much it.

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Thanks for the reply! I'm working with some smaller companies and some larger ones, the smaller companies seem to be as clueless about this as I am. One company told me they were expecting me to provide shipping labels. Is it my responsibility or theirs generally?


I'm trying to make this as automated as possible.

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Thanks for the reply! I'm working with some smaller companies and some larger ones, the smaller companies seem to be as clueless about this as I am. One company told me they were expecting me to provide shipping labels. Is it my responsibility or theirs generally?


I'm trying to make this as automated as possible.

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