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Need some SQL code please :)

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Could someone please help me in getting the following code to work:


SELECT "all address fields" TOP 500 SORT BY order amount FROM customers WHERE orderstatus = "Delivered"


I hope you can see what i want to do without being able to write proper SQL :)




// David

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SELECT ad.*, SUM(o.total_paid_real) as paid_by_customer

FROM ps_address ad

LEFT JOIN ps_orders o ON (o.id_customer = ad.id_customer)

LEFT JOIN ps_order_state os ON (os.id_order state = o.current_state)

WHERE os.name = "Delivered" AND os.id_lang = *enter the language ID here, how it's retrieved varies depending on the place you query from)

GROUP BY ad.id_customer

ORDER BY paid_by_customer




It *should* work but it's late and I'm pretty sleepy :D I haven't tested it either, let me know

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Right.. so heres what Ive got:


SELECT ad.*, SUM(o.total_paid_real) as paid_by_customer
FROM ps_address ad
LEFT JOIN ps_orders o ON (o.id_customer = ad.id_customer)
LEFT JOIN ps_order_state os ON (os.id_order_state = o.current_state)
WHERE os.name = "Delivered" AND os.id_lang = 7
GROUP BY ad.id_customer
ORDER BY paid_by_customer


The errors i get are:

os.name is not recognized.

Checked the table, and there is no column named "name"


I also couldnt locate anywhere in the order table that would define the order as delivered.

Not by ID nor name. Only history.. I dont know if that should be it.

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Try this, replace xx with the status ID of "delivered"

SELECT a.*, SUM(o.total_paid_real) as total
FROM ps_orders o
LEFT JOIN ps_address a ON a.id_customer = o.id_customer
WHERE o.current_state = xx
GROUP BY a.id_address
ORDER BY total

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SELECT a.*, SUM(o.total_paid_real) as total
FROM ps_orders o
LEFT JOIN ps_address a ON a.id_customer = o.id_customer
WHERE o.id_order_state = 5
GROUP BY a.id_address
ORDER BY total


#1054 - Unknown column 'o.id_order_state' in 'where clause'

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This should work:


SELECT ad.*, SUM(o.total_paid_real) as paid_by_customer FROM ps_address ad
LEFT JOIN ps_orders o ON (o.id_customer = ad.id_customer)
LEFT JOIN ps_order_history h ON (h.id_order = o.id_order)
WHERE h.id_order_state = '4'
GROUP BY ad.id_customer ORDER BY paid_by_customer DESC LIMIT 500


One thing to watch is whether you want to order state 4 (= sent) or 5(=delivered). Another things is that this doesn't check for the last status but just checks whether the order once had that status. So the order will still be counted if the products were sent back.

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