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Quick Question - Advise From Experts

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The site I am building will be for artists who will upload their own creations. They will be charged a membership fee so no commissions are paid. The products are hand made, one of a kind, so no large inventory management is required. Each shop will be tied into Paypal for payment and will have their own shipping choices as it will be a worldwide audience. I will start with two levels of membership, a basic and a featured artists where the featured will get a priority exposure on the home page.


I have been emailing Agile and will be purchasing the following modules:


Multiple Seller

Paypal Express


Seller Shipping


Kinro at Agile has been fabulous in answering all of my questions throughly and quickly.


Today, I spoke to a representative from PrestaShop and he indicated that I may not need these modules because PrestaShop is very dynamic and can handle a lot of functions.


But, I was told by someone else that if I wanted my artists to have their own shop, without access to everyone else's, that I do need the modules.


I am confused. Do you have an opinion on the above? THANK YOU for your patience with me.

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