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blocktopmenu and multistore

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Hi !


I'm with Presta , multistore.

I have categories in my first shop like this

category A

sub A.a

sub A.b

category B

sub B.a

sub B.a.a

sub B.a.b

sub B.b

sub B.c

category C


no problem with my first shop, I can see category and subcategories in blocktopmenu.


The problem is with my 2nd shop

Its home category is category B.

When I want to configure blocktopmenu for 2nd shop, I see no category on the left block. (just CMS, supplier, manufacturer and Categorie : "Root(2nd store)", products and links )


I can create link to sub B.a , sub B.b , sub B.c

But with this issue, I can't access to sub B.a.a and sub B.a.b


I don't find anything about this on posts.

Thanks for your help !

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