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Can not create or modifiy new suppliers (dni is required. The address is not correct...)

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Please some one help me here!

My configuration:

Prestashop version: 1.5.4

Theme: Default


When creating or modifying a new supplier, when i try to save it gives me an error:

"dni necessary.

The address is not correct. Check if all required fields are filled. "

there is no DNI field to be filled

the address is correct, already tried with other addresses, different countries etc

I already made another installation of prestashop 1.5.4 (for test purposes only) and the issue is gone, i am trying to see (comparing) the 2 installations of prestashop (the main site and the test site) things like modules, configurations etc, i think one of the modules are making this issue, but witch one? i have 125 modules installed, i already disabled all of custom (downloaded) modules but the problem remains

My next (try to fix) step is to make a backup of the entire site and data base and try to copy all files from the new installed prestashop 1.5.4 (test site) to the main site to see the results... ;)

i know... it loks like a noob action, but i don't want to remake my main site again, all the configurations, translations, all products, modifications, start from 0, if this happens i will say good bye to prestashop forever, prestashop is become very buggy each version...

I hope some one will help, this error was already reported here: PSCFV-7958

but it seems that no one can reproduce it,

this is an error that effects only a minority of people

Tanks in advanve

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