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Emails Not Sending Strange Problem

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hi can anyone help i seem to be at a dead end


Prestashop version 1.5.3


my customers are reciving the order email but staff are not even the the mail alerts module is turned on and configured correctly.


if i use php mail the the customer gets the mail as i said but not staff but staff recieve the test email that the shop BO can send


i cannot seem to get the SMTP to activate properly but i dont think this is the problem.


any help would be great



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Sounds like you have mismatched your email templates - look into mailalerts module/mails/LANG_ISO/ and check if everything is OK.


If it's not - copy EN emails there and translate them, then try again.


You'll also have to edit the EN emails and remove the nasty hardcoded pink and put {color} instead. (this is for cosmetics only)

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were do i set the customer service language and its only the store email address thats not reciving the order customers are but not me


all the email templates are there they are identical to a working shop

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yes this worked when the shop was setup and one day a customer called us to make a payment and we had no idea the order was pending. we then tested this time and time again with no emails coming to the admins staff etc

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Just happened to me. I only realized this today but the problem seem to have started on April 5 after doing some checks on my outgoing emails. No settings in BO have been touched at least for a good 2 months. This seem to just happen all of a sudden.


Also good to note I am using Mailjet module.

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