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(Solved) - Finding source code

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When you are using internet explorer, if you right click and go to "view page source " it gives you coding information on your page.


Where do you go in your files to find that code.


I need to edit 2 lines and know the number but cannot find it.


Please can you help.



Edited by hippooflove (see edit history)
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Hard to say without any info.


You could do a search in the Prestashop files (content) and try to find it that way.


If you know Prestashop, and know the page, you would be able to figure it out (assuming it's not a part of a module)

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Good morning,


If you have access to your data base either through your cpanel or ftp then you will be able to access the header tpl file but I still think you need to give more information about what you are trying to do



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Thanks to you both.

i do have access to my files and have deleted the 2 lines from my header.tpl. It is not showing in the files.

I have tried to clear the cache but it did not make a difference.


Please could I ask you to look at my home page at http:www.homesteadandgarden.co.uk and see if in the top left corner (above the logo) to see if you can see the words "pin it" on your computer. It could just my cache not clearing.

Having said that I can still see it in internet explorer in the source code and in google under the elements.


The reason is for all this is that i want to remove the link and add my telephone number into the header. It has becoming a mission impossible for me with a limited knowledge.



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Try to manually delete all the files except index.php) in /tools/smarty/complie and reload the page.


If you still see the text in the source, go to /tools/smarty/complie and look for a filename that contains header.tpl (with random text at that start of the filename), open it and look for the text.

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Thanks Tomerg


I looked in the files you listed above and looked for a header.tpl one. I deleted that file and it has cleared the problem from my site.


Many thanks for that.


There are 100 more lines besides the index.php in that file. Are they causing a problem or should I leave them alone?


Once again many thanks



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