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Category Discount

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Prestashop is great but...

Is there anyway to offer a quantity discount for a certain category.

For example, in my shop, I have a T-Shirts category and I have one product for each colour. I would like to offer a discount when you buy any 2 T-Shirts.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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As far as I can tell, that will just add a quantity reduction rule for each product in the group rather than giving the reduction if you have 2 different products from the same category in your basket, no? (and it's 30 euros :( )

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  • 3 weeks later...

One solution (but maybe you have considered that already) could be to only have one product for your T-shirts and then specify the variants. You may even add a photo for each color. And also, you can have different prices (and weight) for each color.


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The thing is, it looks much better having 4 products in the category (we have 4 colours) rather than just 1. Also, when you click on the product it looks great with 2 pics for the T-Shirt (front and back). I wouldn't want 8 pictures on there. And it is better showing each colour on the category page, otherwise people might think there's only one colour (people are that stupid)! Have a look at www.faixarua.co.uk and you'll see what I mean.

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One solution (but maybe you have considered that already) could be to only have one product for your T-shirts and then specify the variants. You may even add a photo for each color. And also, you can have different prices (and weight) for each color.


Makes no difference. Even if you use a single product (see ipod shuffle in the demo store), as a shopper as soon as you pick different colours you lose the volume discount you would otherwise have been entitled to. Probably it is best at the moment to use a coupon code and hope that people will remember to type it in.
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  • 5 months later...

This module looks great but i've got some questions:

Let's suppose we have 4 categories A,B,C,D. The tree is following:

name of the category (discount)

-A (10%)
|___B (9%)
| |__C(8%)

1. if i buy sth from sub-category D that has no discount, do I have discount 10% comming from the category A or not
2. if i buy sth from sub-sub-category C, will I have 8% or will it take the discount from its upper categories (till which level) OR will make it discount from all categories?


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