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1.5.4 is a real headache !

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After deciding to switch from to 1.5.4 with a clean install because my web wasn't online yet and because the change-log seems to has several changes, I can say I regret doing this.. I prefer (it seems more stable).. the problems i'm facing now are real headaches and needs a serious review...


Some examples are:

  • Emails templates, I had to move them manually under the theme folder because it wasn't saving from BO (saying can't found them where they should be), and plus, some email subjects don't won't to be saved.
  • Emails subjects contain unwanted stuff, like [no_sync] and the Thread reference...
  • I had to recheck all my translations and retype a lot of missing fields because somehow, they decided to slightly modify the English text within the code.. (example: {l s='My account'} became {l s='My account:'} with a semicolon, or others with a capital letter or a word in plus, that makes us re-translate foreign languages because they missed their reference...
  • Modules translations won't come up unless switching DEV MODE to true... and makes working there very slow after..

Can't mention other minor issues i had to fix and those i'm sure I will discover soon.. The above examples are enough for me to get tired and decide to go back to my backed-up


This concerns my personal opinion !

Thank you for reading..

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Emails subjects contain unwanted stuff, like [no_sync] and the Thread reference...

>> Yes I get this too! I was from to 1.5.4 upgrade. This happens when customer sends us email using the Contact Us page. On customer side they will also receive the email with an ugly subject title ending with #ct1 #tc9jxcWz3iutdD


Any help would be good

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