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How to solve strange behavior log in - prestashop addons

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Hi Prestashop community,

I'm pretty new to PS and i don't know the program not so well yet. I noticed a particular problem and I tried to find an answer in the forums but i did not find a similar post.


So here's my problem:

I do notice something unlogic behaviour when I want to log in into the addons store via the module page in PS


When I fill in my (valid) credentials in:

Do you have a PrestaShop Addons account? "Addons Login :" & "Password Addons :"


and afterwards when I push the login button,

My backoffice refreshes the page , but I'm not logged in at all.

There is no warning, no error, just nothing. Actually nothing happened.

The module page is completely the same as before i tried to log in.


Does someone knows how to resolve this problem?

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Thank you for your feedback.


I experienced the very same issue a few weeks ago on the same version.

The issue was related to the cookie, not properly retrieved by the web-browser.


We tried on different hosting provider and it resolved the issue.

However, to get it fixed with the first provider, we had to hardcode the credentials in the PHP script instead of retrieving them from the cookie.


File: /controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php


Function: ajaxProcessLogOnAddonsWebservices()




$this->context->cookie->username_addons = pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('username_addons')));
$this->context->cookie->password_addons = pSQL(trim(Tools::getValue('password_addons')));




$this->context->cookie->username_addons = 'myemail@email.com';
$this->context->cookie->password_addons = 'mypassword';


I hope this will help you. In the meantime can you open a bug report on the PrestaShop Forge (http://forge.prestashop.com) regarding this issue?



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Hi Bruno,

Thanks for your feedback.

I'm just a PS user to help a friend with his own store. I have just little understanding of changing codes on my server, and I would like to avoid doing that.


Since you say it is hosting related, do you have any idea if this problem is caused by a server setting? Or do you really think it is a PS related issue?


Ps: It appears there is already a bug report open on the PrestaShop Forge (http://forge.prestashop.com) regarding this issue.

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