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Why I cant to rename a prestashop?

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Hello, I tried several times to change prestashop name after installation. Default name is e-commerce, but after changing it and saving it changes. But after shops refresh it comes back to e-commerce.

Please help me what to do to change it to my new name? And why it is comming back to default after refresh?


I tried to change name in shops contacts and Shop name


Displayed in e-mails and page titles


Thank you for hellping.


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It is shop's name which is Displayed in e-mails and page titles

This setting can be set in Settings> Store Contacts> Shop name


But after changing it and refresh the page it goes back to "My e-commerce"


What you exactly mean by "shop name" ? sorry but i dont undestand it well :(

Edited by rokazaz (see edit history)
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Yes, it is online: www.robosiurbliai.lt


I've got one question: your store is online? if so, can you provide an url? Maybe for us it works, but someting doesnt work for you

it is worth to check this, i think

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This is default name when installed. I want to change it to: ROBOsiurbliai, but after changing, saving and refreshing webpage it goes back to: "Mano e-commerce" and i do not understand why.


Your shop name is "Mano e-commerce"

it is correct?

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