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Hello Can someone PLEASE HELP! It wont load categories!

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Hello Everyone im totally new to this.


I recently bought a template & had it uploaded. Im running prestashop


I log into my office with the details gave to me by the company that uploaded the template. I started to add/change the categories in the back office.


However..when i add a new category, it doesnt show on the website (please see www.sowantedsilks.com) You will see there are only 3 man categories across the top, however in the back office there are 5, but the other 2 wont show on my website.


Also when i try and change the website logo, the same thing happens, it shows in my back office, but not on the actual website.


I have another website that im working on which runs prestashop and i dont seem to have any problems on that.....can anyone please help!!! many thank tim

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Hello Guys. Thanks for the replies...ok this is what i have done...regarding categories..ive logged in to back office..clicked categories, all categories have the (green tick to show they are displayed) Ive then clicked edit button...The category name is there (cushion) the little round circle next to the green tick is blue (to show item have been selected as displayed)


The little circle next to "Home" is blue (to show is selected as parent category).....clicked saved, i can see category in back office, but not in front!!


Regarding the logo..i clear all brownsing history cache..etc..etc...but still nothing...the same, its showing the logo in back office, but not on the website

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ive also had these 3 warnings


There are 3 warnings. Hide warning

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  On 4/2/2013 at 12:36 PM, tmac said:

ive also had these 3 warnings


There are 3 warnings. Hide warning


just turn off cache in adv. preferences -> performance, or select working cache system in your webhosting service

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Hello vekia, thanks for reply...ive turned it off, as show below...but it still wont show the logo or new category


Caching systems are used to speed up your store by caching data into the server's memory, avoiding the exhausting task of querying the database.

Use cache


Enable or disable caching system


Caching system

Memcached APC Xcache File System

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Hey guys..i still havent been able to fix this problem..i sent an email to my hosting company to ask how i select the working cache system..this was there reply & im not sure what to do


Hello Timothy,


Just to confirm are you wanting us to disable the default server caching system we use

on the server itself.


We use the varnish caching system on our servers by default and this is already enabled

on your server by default.


These server caching systems are not an option on your account or server at this time:

To use Memcached, you must install the Memcache PECL extension on your server.http://www.php.net/m...nstallation.php

To use APC, you must install the APC PECL extension on your server. http://php.net/manua...nstallation.php

To use Xcache, you must install the Xcache extension on your server. http://xcache.lighttpd.net


Please let us know if there is anything else.

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