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Saved backup of site but lost database. Need help on best recovery

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I was running i think prestashop version 1.4.9 and i decided to install install a new theme. I didn't realize the theme/modules were for 1.5+ so when i installed it broke my site. I decided to delete everything off site (stupid me) and re-upload my backup. After this my site still did not work so i called my hosting company and they helped me restore all the files from how my site was the day before, but they also had me restore my database, which i have not backed up since 2011. So now my website doesn't work at all since my database is toast and i have to re-create my website using my new theme.


What i want to know is since i have all the contents of my site how can i install this theme and load my products back onto my site without having to re-add each product one at a time? I have no idea where any of the product files etc are located within the files but i am convinced there is a faster way of re-creating my site without having to implement everything all over again. Anyone have any suggestions for fixes with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Stephen, If you lost your database then you know that you have to re-create the site. If you have a CSV file, that would ideal. You can also create a CSV file and upload them by using the Advance Parameters>CSV Import. You can read the documentation about CSV import here, http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Understanding+The+Advanced+Parameters#UnderstandingTheAdvancedParameters-CSVImport


PS: This subforum is meant for the actual prestashop.com website and PrestaShop forum (wrong links, bugs in the forum, issues with the display) I will move this post to the General Discussion.

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