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How to remove shop name from all pages "title tag" ?


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thank you , it's for 1.5.2 but i will try


So there is not a standard option to remove shop name from titles. From a SEO perspective it's like a bug for prestashop , all this duplicate titles cause penalizations . :(


it's not duplicate as there is other meta data included in the page title.

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yes , it's not a duplicated title for Google Webmaster Tools , but there are a lot of duplicated keyword in all titles and it's not a good practice for SEO :)


seo is a funny business...imho it's not a bug in prestashop....but if people don't do the work to set up seo...and end up with nothing but shop titles...s

anyway...to answer your question, see themes/your_theme/header.tpl


there you can modify the page meta

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you can do it twice, first method is exactly as method that i pasted - create meta class override, second one is related to template header file, from which you have to remove shop name from title tag, but you must use some smarty code to do that :-)

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