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Add text to price field display?

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Hi all,

I searched the forum for an answer to this question before posting this query, but I couldn't find anything. It's either because I can't figure out how to phraze a search properly or nothing yet exists to answer my need. I did try, however.

My issue: I have changed the '$price' in validate.php to include text, so I could possibly use "Call for Pricing" in the price area for a product. I realized the change works well for the input in back office, but that all I can fit in the field is "Call". That will still work for me.

Unfortunately, when Prestashop calculates the "Final retail price:" for display, it comes up with $0.00 instead of the text.

Has anyone else encountered a need for text in the price field, and if so, how did you solve it?

Thank you for any input


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Hello Tobias,

Unfortunately, no one has answered the question or offered solutions. Not suprising, but a tad dissapointing.

If I should find a way to accomplish this, I'll let you know. Right now I'm focusing on a print catalog for the company and haven't had time to do anymore tweaking to the PS software in a month or so


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I had a similar problem and fixed it in my product.tpl file and product-list.tpl file.

on product.tpl file

I added

{if $product->price eq '0'}
{l s='Call for Pricing and Availabilty'}

{convertPrice price=$product->getPrice(true, NULL, 2)}

{convertPrice price=$product->getPrice(true, NULL, 2)}

used to be in

What this does is sees if the product price is equal to 0 if it is then it outputs Call for pricing and availabilty, if not then it outputs the price.

I also had to change product.tpl
where it was {convertPrice price=$product.price} inside the price span

i put
{if $product.price eq '0'}
{l s=' '}

{convertPrice price=$product.price}


This checks to see if the product price is 0 again and if it is it outputs nothing, didnt want it on that page. if it is higher than 0 then output the price.

you can see live examples here


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