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  • 1 month later...

hey Samo8.


look at your "product.tpl" file in your theme's folder on the server. you need to change the truncate number for the number fo characters allowed before it cuts off.


find the following line...


<a href="{$accessoryLink|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$accessory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|strip_tags|truncate:XX:'+'}</a>


... and change the "XX" after the word "truncate" to whatever amt. of characters you want to appear. you probably have a short character number there like 19 or something close (spaces are counted as characters). mine was 20 by default from the theme developer.


i set mine to 90 and it shows the whole name of the accessory but then again, my product names are reeeaaaaly long, you probably won't need 90.


play with it and try diff. numbers until you are happy.


hope it works,


Edited by fixgear (see edit history)
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