Tekker Posted March 30, 2013 Share Posted March 30, 2013 Greetings, I get this error during uploading a image in a template module. It's the only error I get after updating to 1.5.4 I tried a bunch of things but I'm a bit dazzled, can anyone see what is wrong here ? Thanks in advance! This is the error I get on a blank browser page: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module tmpics: Call to undefined function checkImage() This is my checkimage code ... /* upload the image */ if (isset($_FILES['link_'.$i.'_img']) AND isset($_FILES['link_'.$i.'_img']['tmp_name']) AND !empty($_FILES['link_'.$i.'_img']['tmp_name'])) { Configuration::set('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD', 1); if ($error = checkImage($_FILES['link_'.$i.'_img'], $this->maxImageSize)) $this->_html .= $error; elseif (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS') OR !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['link_'.$i.'_img']['tmp_name'], $tmpName)) return false; elseif (!imageResize($tmpName, dirname(__FILE__).'/slides/slide_0'.$i.'.jpg')) $this->_html .= $this->displayError($this->l('An error occurred during the image upload.')); unlink($tmpName); } if ($line = $this->putContent($newXml, 'img', 'slides/slide_0'.$i.'.jpg')) $newXml .= $line; $newXml .= "\n".' </link>'."\n"; $i++; } $newXml .= '</links>'."\n"; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prestashopninja Posted March 30, 2013 Share Posted March 30, 2013 Hi, Could you paste here the function including the declaration such as below, and the context? A quick hint: If you are using a local where the letter I hasn't its lower case as i, such as in icelandic or turkish, you might experience this kind of problems. function checkImage() { //your good stuff } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tekker Posted March 30, 2013 Author Share Posted March 30, 2013 (edited) Hi, Could you paste here the function including the declaration such as below, and the context? A quick hint: If you are using a local where the letter I hasn't its lower case as i, such as in icelandic or turkish, you might experience this kind of problems. function checkImage() { //your good stuff } Hey thanks for your time and hints but that function directly I cannot find... I'll past you the full code ! <?php function getContent() { global $cookie; /* Languages preliminaries */ $defaultLanguage = intval(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); $languages = Language::getLanguages(); $iso = Language::getIsoById($defaultLanguage); $isoUser = Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)); /* display the module name */ $this->_html = '<h2>'.$this->displayName.' '.$this->version.'</h2>'; /* update the editorial xml */ if (isset($_POST['submitUpdate'])) { // Generate new XML data $newXml = '<?xml version=\'1.0\' encoding=\'utf-8\' ?>'."\n"; $newXml .= '<links>'."\n"; $i = 0; foreach ($_POST['link'] as $link) { $newXml .= ' <link>'; foreach ($link AS $key => $field) { if ($line = $this->putContent($newXml, $key, $field)) $newXml .= $line; } /* upload the image */ if (isset($_FILES['link_'.$i.'_img']) AND isset($_FILES['link_'.$i.'_img']['tmp_name']) AND !empty($_FILES['link_'.$i.'_img']['tmp_name'])) { Configuration::set('PS_IMAGE_GENERATION_METHOD', 1); if ($error = checkImage($_FILES['link_'.$i.'_img'], $this->maxImageSize)) $this->_html .= $error; elseif (!$tmpName = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS') OR !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['link_'.$i.'_img']['tmp_name'], $tmpName)) return false; elseif (!imageResize($tmpName, dirname(__FILE__).'/slides/slide_0'.$i.'.jpg')) $this->_html .= $this->displayError($this->l('An error occurred during the image upload.')); unlink($tmpName); } if ($line = $this->putContent($newXml, 'img', 'slides/slide_0'.$i.'.jpg')) $newXml .= $line; $newXml .= "\n".' </link>'."\n"; $i++; } $newXml .= '</links>'."\n"; /* write it into the editorial xml file */ if ($fd = @fopen(dirname(__FILE__).'/links.xml', 'w')) { if (!@fwrite($fd, $newXml)) $this->_html .= $this->displayError($this->l('Unable to write to the editor file.')); if (!@fclose($fd)) $this->_html .= $this->displayError($this->l('Can\'t close the editor file.')); } else $this->_html .= $this->displayError($this->l('Unable to update the editor file.<br />Please check the editor file\'s writing permissions.')); } if (Tools::isSubmit('submitUpdate')) { $output = '<div class="conf confirm"><img src="../img/admin/ok.gif" alt="'.$this->l('Confirmation').'" />'.$this->l('Settings updated').'</div>'; } /* display the editorial's form */ $this->_displayForm(); return $this->_html; } static private function getXmlFilename() { return 'links.xml'; } private function _getXml() { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$this->getXmlFilename())) { if ($xml = @simplexml_load_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$this->getXmlFilename())) return $xml; } return false; } public function _getFormItem($i, $last) { global $cookie; $this->_xml = $this->_getXml(); $isoUser = Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)); $divLangName = 'texts'.$i; $output = ' <div class="item" id="item'.$i.'" style="position:relative;"> <h3>'.$this->l('Item #').($i+1).'</h3> <input type="hidden" name="item_'.$i.'_item" value="" />'; $output .= ' <label>'.$this->l('Slide image').'</label> <div class="margin-form"> <div><img src="'.$this->_path.'slides/slide_0'.$i.'.jpg" alt="" title="" style="width:250px; height:auto;" /></div> <input type="file" name="link_'.$i.'_img" /> <p style="clear: both"></p> </div>'; $output .= ' <label>'.$this->l('Slide URL').'</label> <div class="margin-form" style="padding-left:0"> <input type="text" name="link['.$i.'][url]" size="64" value="'.$this->_xml->link[$i]->url.'" /> <p style="clear: both"></p> </div>'; $output .= '<fieldset style="font-size:1em;">'; $output .= '<div style="position:absolute;">'; $output .= $this->displayFlags($this->_languages, $this->_defaultLanguage, $divLangName , 'texts'.$i, true); $output .= '</div>'; foreach ($this->_languages as $language) { $output .= '<div id="texts'.$i.'_'.$language['id_lang'].'" style="display:'.($language['id_lang'] == $this->_defaultLanguage ? 'block' : 'none').';">'; $output .= ' <label>'.$this->l('Field #1').'</label> <div class="margin-form" style="padding-left:0"> <input type="text" name="link['.$i.'][field1_'.$language['id_lang'].']" size="64" value="'.$this->_xml->link[$i]->{'field1_'.$language['id_lang']}.'" /> <p style="clear: both"></p> </div>'; $output .= ' <label>'.$this->l('Field #2').'</label> <div class="margin-form" style="padding-left:0"> <input type="text" name="link['.$i.'][field2_'.$language['id_lang'].']" size="64" value="'.$this->_xml->link[$i]->{'field2_'.$language['id_lang']}.'" /> <p style="clear: both"></p> </div>'; $output .= '</div>'; } $output .= '</fieldset>'; $output .= ' <div class="clear pspace"></div> '.($i >= 0 ? '<a href="javascript:{}" onclick="removeDiv(\'item'.$i.'\')" style="color:#EA2E30"><img src="'._PS_ADMIN_IMG_.'delete.gif" alt="'.$this->l('delete').'" />'.$this->l('Delete this item').'</a>' : '').' <hr/></div>'; return $output; } private function _displayForm() { global $cookie; /* Languages preliminaries */ $defaultLanguage = intval(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); $languages = Language::getLanguages(); $iso = Language::getIsoById($defaultLanguage); $isoUser = Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)); /* xml loading */ $xml = false; if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/links.xml')) if (!$xml = @simplexml_load_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/links.xml')) $this->_html .= $this->displayError($this->l('Your links file is empty.')); $this->_html .= ' <script type="text/javascript"> function removeDiv(id) { $("#"+id).fadeOut("slow"); $("#"+id).remove(); } function cloneIt(cloneId) { var currentDiv = $(".item:last"); var id = ($(currentDiv).size()) ? $(currentDiv).attr("id").match(/[0-9]/gi) : -1; var nextId = parseInt(id) + 1; $.get("'._MODULE_DIR_.$this->name.'/ajax.php?id="+nextId, function(data) { $("#items").append(data); }); $("#"+cloneId).remove(); } </script> <form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <fieldset style="width: 800px;"> <legend><img src="'.$this->_path.'logo.gif" alt="" title="" /> '.$this->displayName.'</legend> <div id="items">'; $i = 0; foreach ($xml->link as $link) { $last = ($i == (count($xml->link)-1) ? true : false); $this->_html .= $this->_getFormItem($i, $last); $i++; } $this->_html .= ' </div> <a id="clone'.$i.'" href="javascript:cloneIt(\'clone'.$i.'\')" style="color:#488E41"><img src="'._PS_ADMIN_IMG_.'add.gif" alt="'.$this->l('add').'" /><b>'.$this->l('Add a new item').'</b></a>'; $this->_html .= ' <div class="margin-form clear"> <div class="clear pspace"></div> <div class="margin-form"> <input type="submit" name="submitUpdate" value="'.$this->l('Save').'" class="button" /> </div> </div> </fieldset> </form>'; } function hookTop($params) { global $cookie; /* Languages preliminaries */ $defaultLanguage = intval(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')); $languages = Language::getLanguages(); $iso = Language::getIsoById($defaultLanguage); $isoUser = Language::getIsoById(intval($cookie->id_lang)); if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/links.xml')) if ($xml = simplexml_load_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/links.xml')) { global $cookie, $smarty; $smarty->assign(array( 'xml' => $xml, 'field1' => 'field1_'.$cookie->id_lang, 'field2' => 'field2_'.$cookie->id_lang, 'this_path_tmpics' => $this->_path )); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'tmpics.tpl'); } return false; } } ?> Edited March 30, 2013 by Tekker (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prestashopninja Posted March 30, 2013 Share Posted March 30, 2013 Ok, I turned your code into a module and I guess I will be able to get it running if I'll have tmpics.tpl and a sample links.xml, as I currently have an error returned because it can't find links.xml file. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tekker Posted March 30, 2013 Author Share Posted March 30, 2013 Ok, I turned your code into a module and I guess I will be able to get it running if I'll have tmpics.tpl and a sample links.xml, as I currently have an error returned because it can't find links.xml file. Like explained in PM, I'll send those files in PM, not that I care to much that people steal this module, TM won't help anyway,, but still ... So PM send with those 2 files, they are kinda short. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guorilla Posted April 18, 2013 Share Posted April 18, 2013 (edited) Is it possible to get this information also? I'm getting the same error... The same error is produced in tmbanners module btw... Edited April 18, 2013 by dekarperboer (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kernel Posted May 6, 2013 Share Posted May 6, 2013 Friends. I have the same problems with uploading images. Tell me if you found some solution ' [PrestaShop] Fatal error en el módulo tmnivoslider: Llamado a checkImage undefined function () ", Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kernel Posted May 6, 2013 Share Posted May 6, 2013 Problema solucionado!!! esta es mi plantilla http://www.templatemonster.com/prestashop-themes/41565.html Usa dos módulos que no son compatibles con la ultima versión de prestashop (tmpics,tmnivoslider) ' [PrestaShop] Fatal error en el módulo tmnivoslider: Llamado a checkImage undefined function () ", solution: este error es debido a que todas las funciones de images.inc.php están en desuso [*] Classes : images.inc.php functions are now all deprecated, use the new class ImageManager instead ahora bien, podemos solucionar el problema actualizando todas las instancias de checkimage() a ImageManager::checkImageMemoryLimit(), lo cual es un trabajo realmente tedioso. otra solución mas rápida y efectiva es usar de todos modos el archivo images.inc.php y todas sus funciones para esto simplemente pegamos esta linea de codigo: require_once(_PS_ROOT_DIR_.'/images.inc.php'); en el archivo : tu_sitio/config/autoload.php Espero que les sea de utilidad! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JulienZ Posted June 3, 2013 Share Posted June 3, 2013 (edited) My solution to correct the problem is to change the following lines : - Line 69 : change if ($error = checkImage($_FILES['link_' . $i . '_img'], $this->maxImageSize)) by if ($error = ImageManager::validateUpload($_FILES['link_' . $i . '_img'], $this->maxImageSize)) - Line 73 : change elseif (!imageResize($tmpName, dirname(__FILE__) . '/slides/slide_0' . $i . '.jpg')) by elseif (!ImageManager::resize($tmpName, dirname(__FILE__) . '/slides/slide_0' . $i . '.jpg')) It is just working Edited June 3, 2013 by JulienZ (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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