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watermarking, free module

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Hello, I'm having a hard time to get the watermarking looking good. Any suggestion on setting the GIF file ? And what watermark transparency to use? So far all my tests are bad.


I keep getting my letters (name of the website) surrounded by rectangle that make a big contrast with the picture.



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After reading other's posts related to watermarking... there seem to be no solution, but watermarking your pics yourself with a photo/design program. I use ACDsee do you have other suggestions that might be faster??). Using a photo program will give you more flexibilty, but it would be great if a watermark module would really work as we wanted, that would save me lots of time.. :)


I browsed the Prestashop add-on and there is only one paying watermarking module, which is really surprising.


Thank you for all your help. :)

it is being great to read and supported by you guys.

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