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price combination product is not correct

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I am using prestashop 1.5.3

I have included some products with combinations and I have a problem:

the price of the product (only in combination products) in the shopping cart is correct while in the product tab (that is also where the long descriptive text, price, image, facebook follwing.. and so on)

the price is not the correct one.

I can not figure out what is causing this problem. Can you help?

For example in the cart the price of the combination product is € 4 (which is the correct one) while in the product tab price is 4.89 (is not the correct one).

What causes this problem and how can I fix?


Hel me please


Best regards

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It might be a currency error. Go to your localization tab and see which currency is the default one. Then go to the currencies tab and check if the defalt one has an exchange rate of 1. If not, reset exchange rates :)


This might help you: http://nemops.com/prestashop-payments-currencies-taxes/

Edited by Nemo1 (see edit history)
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