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I have a PS shop (version 1.4.3) which is starting to get 5000+ visitors a day. It is now starting to fall over. The client hosts the site themselves on a Windows server (I tried to convince then to go for a Linux). Is it PS itself that would start to struggle of the server?


Any advice/help would be much appreciated.



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Its down to lack of bandwidth / memory and cpu resources. If your host is not willing to help its time to move on. A client of mine crashed my old server when we launched her site she got over 45,000 page requests in under 2min. Now I moved to a new dedicated box (touch wood) I've had no problems since with her site or my clients site.


She gets between 55,000 - 100,000 visits per month depending on how many promo videos she launches. So my advice... look for a new host or move to your own vps

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Thanks cocthecat. I thought this is more than likely the case. I have to be honest I have no idea what setup they have on the dedicated Window server - they give me very little access. They have told me that the CPU usage is not maxing out when it does crash, but I am still sure it is the server rather than the site itself.


Many thanks, new server it is!!!!!

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