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(Solucionado)Error en mi 1ra Web. Warning: Function addCSS() is deprecated in


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Buenas, despues de 2 dias intentando ,yo y este foro, trasladar mi web de local al host me encuentro con un fallo el cuál me gustará subsanar.

Mi web es vinylwel.com

El error es el siguiente:


Warning: Function addCSS() is deprecated in /mounted-storage/home158/sub040/sc83968-LGXT/vinylwel.com/modules/homecategories/homecategories.php on line 34

in /mounted-storage/home158/sub040/sc83968-LGXT/vinylwel.com/classes/Tools.php on line 1777


En la linea 34 del homecategories:



public function hookHeader()


Tools::addCSS(($this->_path).'homecategories.css', 'all');



Y en la linea 1777 del tools.php:



trigger_error('Function <b>'.$callee['function'].'()</b> is deprecated in <b>'.$callee['file'].'</b> on line <b>'.$callee['line'].'</b><br />', E_USER_WARNING);

$message = 'The function '.$callee['function'].' (Line '.$callee['line'].') is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.';



Gracias de nuevo.

Edited by pjdeepblue (see edit history)
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