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Error in calculating totals when multiple cart rules with free shipping is applied

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I am using Prestashop


There's a critical bug involving multiple free shipping in cart rules being applied at the same time. This is because at the backend, for "Free Shipping", the shipping is calculated as a discount each time the cart rule is applied. So if your shipping is $5.00, and you apply 3 cart rules with free shipping to the cart, the total will eventually include a discount of $15.00!


I have the following cart rules

1. Apply free shipping when above cart value $1

2. Apply free shipping + $10 flat discount




As you can see, the total is calculated wrongly.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I have 1.5.4. I wanted to add free shipping when orders were over $85.00 but only locally.

I set up the cart rule, accordingly but when I got to the cart summary it showed

Free shipping and the amount in the last row o the cart, then it had shipping below with no value, then another row called Toal Vouchers (of which I don't have vouchers) with the shipping $ total stated which was added to shipping to the total. Therefore the shipping was not free. This was a total mess.

So I still can not do free shipping by country.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, say you want to only allow free shipping to the US for over $50. Put the US in its own zone, called US or something like that. Then set the carrier up to charge based on price. Now for the price, go $50 -100000 ships for $0.

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