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Problem with file csv Category

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Hello I have a problem with import categories.


I'm using it to import the categories of ecommerce auto parts.

As you can see from the attached photo when importing I do not detect subcategories new parts but only those parts used (see photos post-498942-0-72327700-1364307949_thumb.jpg and post-498942-0-96312100-1364307964_thumb.jpg).


I am attaching the file also odt full here categorie.zip (created with open office) if someone can tell me where I'm wrong I would be very grateful .....


Thank you!

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Hi , First of all I have to be trust with you and let you know that I have start to work in Prestashop 3 weeks ago , and my site is till in a poor condition but looking your file , to teach myself, the problem for me looks that prestashop dont know when you write for example ALFA ROMEO ( category ), the site dont know if you are talking about used or new...


Example :

Home>Ricambi Usati>ALFA ROMEO>145

Home>Ricambi Nuovi>ALFA ROMEO>145


The parent directory of de model 145 is ALFA ROMEO in both cases for that reason is probably that the site doesnt work properly.


Solution: I supose that the experts will give you some more prefect advice and you should change the name of the category by the Id. which is different to every category.


But you can change a little one of the names adding something, like a dot or a letter





Home>Ricambi Usati>ALFA ROMEO.>145

Home>Ricambi Nuovi>ALFA ROMEO>145


which will not affect to the aspect of your site really.


you can try now that you know the problem but if I were you I will wait for the answer of the kind experts that walks on this forum.

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