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Determine if a category is a subcategory in the category block

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I am using the default theme and category list block.


Currently, it lists all categories and subcategories on the homepage in a bullet list. I would like to only list the main categories on the home page. Then, if the user is on the category page or the corresponding product page, I would like the subcategories for just that main one to also be displayed, preferably wrapped in a div so they can be styled accordingly.


I know that I can change the display depth on a menu, but how would I dynamically alter this page by page?


Many thanks.

Edited by samiles (see edit history)
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Well, you could target the parent IDS. i can't exactly remember if id_parent is being assigned there, but it should.


you can use this kind of ttrick

{if $page_name == 'index'}
{if $category.id_parent != 2}
here the code to show the tree
inside it, when it's time to load the subcategories, use this
{if $category,id_category == $smarty.get.id_category|intval)
show tree


Indeed you need to replace those variables with real names

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