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Add On a Custom Message for extra charge

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My client has a greeting card website & he wan't to have the option for customers to be able to click a box or something to add a custom message to the card for $0.50 extra charge. I tried the customization thing and we are running into problems with it being too many steps & confusing for the customers also it doesn't send the message with the new order email & the printer has to log into the back end and look for the message. I need to find a module or help tweeking something.




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I am sure there is a module for that, but how about adding it as attribute & value (attribute: Extra, value: Personal Greeting), you can choose the the value will add X amount to the price, and at the checkout you can add a comment (this is default) to the order so you can use it for the info.


I know its not so good but ..... maybe.


I am sure someone will post a link to a free module that does exactly what you need soon...

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