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Site Slow on adding products to cart

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Hello All,

I've gone through a lot of topics here and have not seen any solution to this specific problem.

When I add more than about 10 products to the cart, every product addition gets slower. What's even worse is that when the user deletes the first product in the cart after adding 10-15 products the deletion takes its own time and slows down almost everything. I'm using and have installed updated versions as well, but even in 1.4.9(which is supposed to be the most stable version) is slow.


How to reproduce:

Problem1: Add about 10 products to the cart. The more products you add the slower it gets.

Problem 2: Delete the 1st product from the cart after adding more than 10-15 products.


I'm sure most of the site owners do not have a problem with this as their carts are 1 or 2 items and thats it. However, we are an online grocery store and every order has at least more than 15 products, sometimes going to almost 35-50 products.


Looking for a solution as performance is the most critical thing for our customers.

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Ran it in firefox and i.e both pc and mac. I'll try chrome now also. and with 30+




Nope no problem! I got upto 30+ products in a range of browsers had no problem, i did get small 3-4 second delay when i tried to remove a product but thats a bit standard for jquery i think.

Edited by cocothecat (see edit history)
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Oh Great! I'm surprised. Did you try deleting the first product in the list?


Yeah took out the first and a few random ones, then added again and removed was all fine. I can't seem to duplicate the delay you have been having. There are a few issues coding wise on the site that might explain it, what browser have you been using? Do you have enough ram in the machine?


I can't really figure a place to start as im not getting the delay sorry. Like I said id start with some coding issues, fix them and go from there...


Some links





Edited by cocothecat (see edit history)
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