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Mail Alerts and Universal Payment Module

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I am having trouble with the Mail Alerts. i know email is setup and working correctly. but mail alerts is not working. after some searching on forge i saw that it may be due to a payment module i have installed. is this even possible? and if so, how? should mail alerts just work in the background to let me know when a new order comes in regardless of the payment type?



possibly i dont have something setup correctly but i swore that it was working at one time.


template associated with the order status type?


my server reported the following errors:


20130325T000732: index.php

PHP Warning: include(/cache/smarty/compile/b0f25a671a639812828acbc81c64e8688122a626.file.html.tpl.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 161




PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening '/cache/smarty/compile/b0f25a671a639812828acbc81c64e8688

20130325T003628: /modules/paypal/express_checkout/ajax.php

PHP Fatal error: Class 'Paypal' not found in /modules/paypal/express_checkout/ajax.php on line 42

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Actually the mail alert is quasi tied in with the payment modules, because that is when they are triggered. Are you able to generate an alert by making a purchase with a different payment module? Like test a payment with a check or bank transfer.

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