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Multiple seperate PrestaShop installs on same server causing big problems

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We have setup (at the moment) 2 PrestaShop 1.5.3 installations, on same Linux CentOS server.. They are seperate Shop´s and should have notihing to do with each others (2 different customers) .. The 1st site was running perfectly, and then we setup 2nd site, with different path, different DataBase, different everything .. for 3-4 days now all was working perfectly, and did to last night .. Nothing has been changed at all on eigther server or in the code for 1-2 days now, but suddently this morning accessing site 1, gave following error:


"Current theme unavailable "warehouse". Please check your theme directory name and permissions."


Now this confused me quite alot since "warehouse"is the theme used on site 2 ..


I then found out that site 1 had taken shop name, theme and other paramerters from site 2 :-S .. but why!??


In the Back Office I got this following error:


"You are currently connected with the following domain name: www.site1domain.com

This is different from the main shop domain name set in "Multistore" page under the "Advanced Parameters" menu: www.site2domain.com"


I then went into the "Advanced Parameters" menu and that seemed to have fixed it .. but now site 2 is doing the exact same ting, just with parameters from site 1 .. Same errors as before, but with opposite data!!


We are NOT running Multi Store on any of the PrestaShop installations.


Can anyone help explain and help fix this issue/behavior?


Best Regards


Stig :-)

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Please verify the /config/settings.inc.php of both. One of them is redirecting wrong. Also check on DB ps_configuration if you aren't using the same domain on both DB.


Is the one shop a multishop ? If yes than you have connected the both shops as multishop, instead to have them separately. If you want to run separately you cannot use multishop...


Multishop: one DB for several shops.

Separate shops: several DB for several shops.

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