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Proper way to hard link pages.

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See i remember in 1.4 when you manual created a hard link somewhere. you would do it like this.



<a href="{$link->getPageLink('content/category/3-instructions', true)}" title="{l s='Injection Instructions'}">{l s='Instructions'}</a>

And in 1.4 this worked correctly.


but now with 1.5 it puts the url as.



when it should be http://www.xxx.com/content/category/3-instructions



What should the format be or should i just go threw all my links and change them?

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I've always done it like <a href="{$base_dir}page or product name" title="Title Name" >Link Name</a> For me if your going to hard code it you might as well fill in most of the information by hand than trying to make it dynamic it less of a look up for page load.

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I was looking at this more, if you do it this way and you have mult language on and have errors displayed on it will not work. Since this way there is no language code in the url. Is there a varable for the current language code?

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